Tales of an Uchiha. Chapter 8. The Chunin Exams pt2.

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"Good Morning Maggots!" 

Jolting awake at the loud voice I realised I'd somehow fallen asleep while waiting for the second test to begin. 'That's what I get for arriving too early... Urgh, I couldn't remember when sensei said it started though!' 

blearily opening my eyes and looking up I saw my team had found me at least, Takeo laughing at me and Emi shaking her head in exasperation.

Looking around I was surprised to see how many teams had arrived, it was hard to count but there seemed to be at least 100 participating in the second test. A big crowd for sure.

'Wait... Is that?' Looking at the direction of the loud greeting I saw a very familiar sight.

"My name is Anko Mitarashi, welcome to the second exam" she boomed

Oh no! Just our luck. The crazy snake lady. No doubt she was highly skilled and had an unwavering dedication to the village but she sure freaked me out. 

With the various chatter dying down Anko continued her introduction "Now, before we get started here I want to talk about the true meaning behind the first test!"

That grabbed everyone's attention

Anko paused for a moment clearly loving being in the spotlight "Most of you here probably had at least one team mate get captured, so you will have noticed you had the choice between going after the mission objective and rescuing your comrade. 

Now as you're probably taught, you should always prioritise the mission. That's an important lesson, you must complete the mission; however, there are also consequences!"

Seeing comprehension and horror dawning on some of the teams she continued "Of course, you should finish your mission... But you should never leave a comrade behind if you have the ability to save them either. 

And so! Those teams that left someone behind to jail or death now have to deal with the consequences of doing that, you don't get that team mate for the remainder of your mission!"

Cutting off any protests, Anko laughed loudly at the shocked group before her "They even made it easy on you! If you'd bothered to check, all the prison guards were just types of Clones. 

Any Genin team would have been able to overcome them! But some of you didn't even try!"

"Ah, I wondered if it was something like that" I was impressed "So now we understand the full reasons behind the choice of saving or sacrificing your team mate. Very nice, abandon a team mate and you have to deal with being a man down. 

No doubt most of those here thought of each test as a separate mission not one large one" I nodded my approval, it was a good lesson.

"Carelessly abandoning a trained ninja is wasting a huge asset, doing so without proper reasoning is ridiculous" Emi added 

"It's a good thing we stuck together from the start, We may actually be one of the strongest teams here" Takeo concluded

"SO!" Anko yelled making herself heard over the shocked cries going on around the audience "Anyone who was still in the cells when time ran out during stage one, you might as well leave! 

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