00: Prologue

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First book project by KacaBella. All Rights Reserved. Fallout Cures: Book One. Diverse Literature about topics of culture, religions, and person.

[date of publishment]

April 2016


An Earth in a current state of falling into complete apocalypse. It was believed that no cure could, but it might change afterall.


I am no simple human nor am I withheld by the limited number of capabilities a human possessed. I knew beforehand the occult substance in my system. There was no cure for the reproduced human enhancement inside the whole of my body as it was with the others of around my age.

White walls enclosing my being was warmly welcomed by my totality as a different human, and the strong scent of antiseptic was without doubt a perfume of my liking. The definite loneliness have kept my sanity intact whilst staying in this silent room. For the fear of many eyes gazing skeptically at me had always released the dementia inside.

I started to walk towards the small pane of glass, wondering the life behind bland walls set tall, secluding us in a mass of land to work with. It was little to none when they mention the reality of life outside, as I also guessed it was too hard for them to mention such state of the world.

Then expectedly, I distinctly heard the small beep simply notifying the redundant routine for the significant ones. Once a day, everything in us will be tested for the nearing of the mission will soon come at hand.

In a slow manner of walking, I was assisted as anticipated to the many halls of the facility in preparation before the annual meeting. The meeting served as a purpose of cheering us on the importance of our existence.

But before any meeting would commence, we would usually crowd as a band of teenagers occupying our long beige table. And every time I came to a halt from continually strolling from my comfort of a room and to the great dining hall in the Bloc, I will - without a change - stare at the patiently waiting five who impeccably smile at my way as I conflagrated the thought of there was no cure for our abnormality.

Instead, Earth had a cure. We were the cure to Earth's dying, circular body.

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