Chapter 1: New Faces

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  Chapter 1: New Faces

"Listen, mom, I'll be fine, don't worry about me."I reassured my worried mother, as she stood near the entryway to see me off on my first day of high school. While opening the door to step out, she called out to me,"Make some friends, okay?"'Wow, thanks mom. I'll be fine.'

I just smiled towards her and waved, closing the door behind me. I sighed and locked my gate, and headed towards the crosswalk. As I made my way to my first class, I noticed two boys outside practicing volleyball."Ooi! Hinata! You're supposed to hit the ball with your hands! Not your face. Dumbass." "Well, if you only tossed better, then I would have been fine! Bakeyama!" "What did you say?!"

There was one boy who was exceptionally tall, and had jet black hair. The other one was smaller, with bright orange hair. I couldn't help but laugh as they argued. Deciding to follow my mom's advice, I went to talk to them."Well if you could just toss better we wouldn't have a problem!" "A-ah excuse me.." I began, trying to get their attention.

The one with jet black hair turned his head toward me with a growl, "WHAT?" I started to step back, regretful of my actions, until the one with orange hair slapped his arm."Look Kageyama! You made her scared. Apologize!" 'Kageyama' just turned away. I apologized profusely, "Ah no, it's my fault! I shouldn't have interrupted you while you were practicing! You guys were really good!"

The one with orange hair smiled widely and seemed to have sparkles in his eyes."Really?! SEE KAGEYAMA I HAVE A CHANCE TO BE ACE. By the way, I'm Hinata Shoyou! 1st year, and this guy is Kageyama Tobio, also a first year." Completely ignoring introductions, Kageyama retaliated with, "Tch. Not even close, dumbass. Besides, girl, have you even played volleyball before? Because that wasn't even considered a good rally."

I looked towards the ground, "Not necessarily, I've watched it in my hospital room bef- I mean! I've watched it before. A-and I'm Akira Suzuki! Also a first year, I just transferred here. Nice to meet you." I chuckled nervously, hoping they paid attention more to my name rather than the other thing.

Hinata smiled and grabbed my hands, "I started wanting to play volleyball by seeing it on T.V. too! Although I wasn't really good, I could jump really high! My goal here at Karasuno is to become the ace! You should come watch our practice Akira! Maybe you could learn a thing or two!"

I was about to answer, until Kageyama interrupted, "Pfft. If she wants to play, shouldn't she go to the girls team? Besides, we don't have time to waste with distractions. Oh yeah, I forgot, submissions to be on the team ended didn't it?"

Hinata looked sad, "Oh yeah.. Sorry Akira, you can still learn and try out for next year? But Kageyama. We could help her get better, for the next year, since she doesn't seem to know anyone yet." "Tch. Whatever. Don't blame me if she can't handle training. I'm heading to class."

With that, Kaeyama picked up his bag and left. I couldn't help but sigh, "He's really cocky, is he really that strong?" Hinata just nodded, "He's the reason why I'm getting better, without him, I wouldn't know the rush of hitting the ball, but other than that, his personality is terrible. I'm sorry for the way he acted, he just lacks social skills."

Hinata was so nice, how did he get along with that jerk? "Oh yeah, Hinata, it's fine if you can't help me, I'll just watch the girl's team." But he shook his head, "I've had people who were helping me to become better at volleyball, in middle school, I wasn't as lucky, but now, there are so many people that are helping me. So, I'm gonna do my best to return the favor!"

I was so happy, after all of the pain in my life, I finally get to do what I wanted most. "Thank you Hinata! I'll try my best, so please take care of me!"He just laughed and grabbed his bag, "Don't worry! Happy to help!" As we were walking to class, I couldn't wait until after school, where I would be able to play volleyball.


Ah Chapter one! I was just experimenting! If you liked it, please tell me and I'll continue, I'm sorry if it was bad, I haven't wrote in a while, and I'm just getting back into it! Well, thanks for reading! ^^ 


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