Chapter One

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I looked at her soft pale face. I was 2 hours early to the funereal. I gulped tears rolling down my face. I stroked her wavy blond hair. Once I find who shot her, I WILL kill them. They will pay for what they've done, not just to her, but to everyone else. To me.


I woke up in the living room. I got up and threw on some random clothes I found on the floor. I combed my hair and walked out to the upstairs balcony. My phone went off and it was my best friend from high school! I haven't seen him in years!!

Aaron: Hey Jacob, I heard the news, I'm so sorry man :(

Me: it's fine.. Can we just not talk bout it?

Aaron: sure, wanna meet up and catch up at the cafe on 6638 oak wood street?

Me: sure, cya

Aaron: Bai, person, place thingy humanly.

Me: Lol

He never said a time so I grabbed my car keys.

"HEY LIZZIE IMA HEAD OUT-" I cut myself off and looked down in shock. I shook it off but turned my music down all the way and was silent the whole car ride.


"You look a LOT different man!" I kind of shouted to Aaron. I remember him having brown hair with a fringe and always wearing beanies. Now he has dark red hair with a lip piercing, a bunch of punk tattoos, and contacts in that made his eyes black.

"I can say the same to you!" He shouted, I used to have blond hair but I died it black with a emo fringe cut. I also had a nose piercing. We hugged and walked inside the café. We just talked and caught up really.. He then asked a really personal question that made me shiver.

"So where's your family living at? Knowing that you moved away from
Them.." He asked. I didn't answer and felt a lump in my throat. I continued to eat breakfast and he was quiet as well.



"Cmon!" Lizzie yelled as she pulled my arm to go upstairs and prank people. I laughed and followed her. She was so dorky and cute.. I never showed it though.. I really did like her. Her dad walked in and smacked her. I pulled him away, seeing he's drunk. He punched me in the jaw. I scream in pain as Lizzie escapes and calls the cops, I sit there bleeding and her dad rips down all her posters. He then stabs the wall and throws the knife and my neck, I then see darkness.


I woke up in horror, Aaron was blasting music cleaning out the office and making his room. I didn't want to get rid of Lizzie's room so we just put anything we couldn't fit in the storage room in her room. I went back to bed tired and hot, life is hard..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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