The Night of Godric's Hollow

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    "My Lord," a small man quivered, his hands shaking as he spoke and followed Lord Voldemort as he paced a dimly lit room. Lord Voldemort's snake, Nagini, hissed menacingly at the small man. "My Lord, they have granted me the job of secret keeper. The Potters have. I-"
    "Enough, Wormtail." Peter Pettigrew shivered under the hoarse, hissing voice protruding from Voldemort's thin lips. Voldemort whisked around, his robes flying up and his hood sliding off his smooth, white head. Peter met the glare of his red eyes while Voldemort took a sharp breath with his slits of a nose, similar to his Nagini's. Voldemort reached into his robes and extracted a wand, long and thin, and pulled Peter close so he could feel every breath of Lord Voldemort. Peter's buck teeth bit his lip, a natural habit of his when he grew nervous. "Now, show me the boy."


    "Where did his toy go?" Lily muttered to herself as she held her black-haired baby boy in one arm and dug through boxes with her other. "James!" She yelled to her husband, who peeked through the door.
    "Yes?" James Potter pushed up his black, circular glasses and attempted to straighten his messy black hair, so as not to upset Lily further. He tried to smile, but Lily saw right through it, her green eyes staring him down and her eyebrow raised.
    "James Potter, did you lose Harry's toy?" James looked to the side, hoping he might see the toy and avoiding the glare of his wife. "I told you this would happen! You can't just have a broomstick scavenger hunt and forget where you hid things! I told you to write it down..."
    "Lily, it's fine. That was a generic Zonko's toy anyway. I'll just send an owl to Dumbledore to get us a new one and all will be well. Harry won't know the difference, will you, you little Babbity Rabbity?" Harry giggled as James reminded him of his favorite story tale. Harry's green eyes glistened with joy as James tickled his stomach, and those of his mothers gave off a slight forgiveness towards her husband.
    "Fine, but I won't rest until you do so. Now, let's find Harry another toy, shall we?" Lily asked Harry, who clapped his hands. James came out of the room smiling and scratching his chin. He looked out the window and his smile vanished.
    "LILY, TAKE HARRY AND RUN! GO! IT'S HIM! I'LL HOLD HIM OFF!" James had no time to scramble for his wand as the snake-like hooded figure swiftly strolled down the path to their house.  He had no clue how Voldemort could come here... Unless... No, would Wormtail really do that to him? That lying rat! But James couldn't think about this, he had to protect Lily. He didn't care whether he survived, but if Lily and Harry didn't.... James couldn't take it, he gently pushed Lily up the stairs so she could move faster. She had to get out of here.
    The front door creaked open and James rushed forward, no wand ready, his heart still with Lily as she trembled at the top of the staircase. Lord Voldemort took off his hood and looked into the stern yet frightened hazel eyes of James Potter. They were alive... For now.
    Voldemort smiled. "You could move now, James. You don't have to die. I only ask for your son. "
    "No, never." James spoke in a low voice and stared directly into the eyes of the Dark Lord.
    "This is your doing, then. Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort cackled and hissed victoriously. His wand was still pointed out as he stepped over the now dead body. James eyes were still open, but his glasses were thrown askew and his hair was messier than ever. His heart no longer pounded, his mind no longer thought of his wife who stayed upstairs with his only child. James Potter could no longer do anything to help his family, but he would not have sacrificed Harry for his well being. No, never.

    "Be safe, Harry. Be strong. Mummy loves you, Dada loves you." Lily kissed her son's forehead as Harry sat in his crib. Harry was confused, looking around frantically for his father. "I love you so much, Harry. So, so much." Harry scrunched up his face, about to begin crying, when his mother's soothing voice spoke. "Don't cry, honey. I love you. Remember Babbity Rabbity? 'A long time ago, in a far-off land, there lived a foolish king who decided that he alone should have the power of magic.'" A bang and some maniacal laughter stopped Lily's recitation of Harry's favorite tale. She knew these could be her last moments with her son. A tear escaped the corner of her eye. Footsteps sounded on the stairs.
    "Harry, I love you so, so much. So does Daddy." She kissed his head once more and closed her eyes while tears streamed out. She wiped her eyes and looked into Harry's, a bright smile on her face. "You're so special, Harry. I love you."
    The door to Harry's nursery was thrust open and there stood Lord Voldemort, his wand resting on his outstretched hand. He paused, breathing through his snake-like slits and closing his eyes for a moment. Voldemort forced his face into a painful smile towards Lily. "You don't have to die. Give me Harry and you can live, give me Harry and I will leave you alone... Forever." Voldemort's smile vanished. "Or you can join your husband in the grasp of death." Lily bit her lip. She couldn't think about James lying motionless downstairs, about never hearing his laugh again, about never getting pranked again, about Harry lacking a father. No, she had to focus on saving Harry. "What do you say," Voldemort took a deep breath and plastered on the painful smile once more, "dear Lily?"
    "No, never."
    As soon as Voldemort heard 'no', he raised his wand, cackling at her decision and yelled the killing curse. She screamed, loudly, a blood-curdling cry, and it rang throughout the silent night in Godric's Hollow. Only if Voldemort had stopped to listen carefully would he have realized she screamed "Harry," the name of the child she loved more than existence.
    Voldemort crept up on Harry, his yellow teeth showing in a menacing grin as he looked down at the child, who wept in his crib. Harry's tears were understandable, of course, for Harry didn't know why his Mummy fell to the ground. Why wasn't she standing up and rocking him in her arms? Why did she stop telling him the story? Why isn't she moving?
    Lord Voldemort felt higher than he'd ever been, he felt in control of everything and everyone. Once he rid of this tiny boy, he would kill all muggles and mudbloods and there would be no one left to stop him. If the Potters had died so easily, then surely the Order would be just as simple. Voldemort laughed, as nothing stood in his way now. He laughed throughout the time he pointed his wand at the small child, yelled "Avada Kedavra" and-
    He stopped laughing.

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