Adopted By Perrie {Chapter Two}

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Perrie's POV

I was going on a nice jog through the streets of London when I heard screaming coming from a house I was running past.

I froze in my tracks and listened. "Phil, stop! Please!" A teens voice wailed desperately. I bravely stomped up and flung the door open to reveal a teen age girl being stabbed with a knife.

The man, who I guess is Phil, freezes, drops the knife, puts his hands up in surrender, and backs into a corner. I glare at him, then turn my attention to the girl.

She's crying in pain, and through her pain she chokes out, "I always knew you were a coward."

"That's it!" Phil says. He chargers at her and lunges for her stomach. Before he can do any damage, I lift my arm and slam my fist into the side of his head.

He slumps to the ground, knocked out cold. I make a mental note to thank my parents for forcing me to do karate when I was younger.

I look down at the girl and see that she is unconscious. I gasp, and quickly scoop her up in my arms along with her iPod and headphones. I run down the street and call for a taxi.

Once in one, we speed to the hospital. I start to pale when I realize I don't have money on me. The taxi driver notices and waves it off. "Go!" He urges. I thanks him and run with the girl into the hospital.

She's bleeding from several wounds, so as soon as a hospital worker notices her, she's lifted out of my arms and is whisked away into a stretcher. A doctor beckons for me to follow an I do so.

We rush through many hallways until we stop at a hospital room with a bed and a bunch of equipment in it. The girl is lifted onto the bed, and doctors immediately begin doing tests on her.

I'm ushered into a small waiting room. And I sit down near a window and look outside.

"Are you ok, miss?" A man's voice asks. I realize I'm crying, and I don't even know the girl! I wipe my tears away. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I give him a watery smile to prove it.

"Alright. My name's Zayn." He smiles. "I'm Perrie." I shake his hand, and he sits down beside me. "Wait a second...are you THE Zayn Malik of One Direction?!" I ask.

"Mhm. Aren't you THE Perrie Edwards of Little Mix?!" He mocks me. I giggle. "Yup." I say popping the 'p'.

"Cool! Hey, I got to go, but here's my number!" He pulls out a small piece of paper and quickly jots some numbers on it, passing it to me. "Call me if you need anything, or even if you just want to talk." He smiles.

Zayn gets up and walks off, leaving my stomach fluttering. I think I'm falling for Zayn Malik...

"Miss?" My head snaps up as I look to face the doctor. "You can come in now. We have some...erm...good news...but also some bad."

I nod and nervously follow the doctor in. I gasp at what I see.


:O What do you think Perrie sees?!

~ Gabby xx <3


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