28. The Return of the Duo

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this is dedicated to the sexy Wendy, who is yakisoba on WattPad, and she writes awesome stories <3 not fanfiction for you fanfic fanatics, but they're cute romances c:

SHE MADE THE NEW COVER! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! fjeigdrkll2,r3kt rnjewfgdfbkgrme

i added the extra exclamation marks to show the importance of this.

okay, so for now, i've decided - I'll make you a non-canon AND a canon ending okay? There's 35 chapters all together, minus the epilogue and prologue (x2). 

song in the side is hm. It'll be a NeverShoutNever! song, because well, let's face it, Christofer has a sexy voice, and it should be put to good use. It'll probably be CheaterCheaterBestfriendEater, Can't Stand It, Did it Hurt?, or Big City Dreams. LOL or maybe Trouble, that's cute too. LOL just listen to it, he has the nicest voice <3

Next upload i plan on FTSK. Or Short Stack. I've done Friday Night Boys.

this was LONG LOL. TERIMA KASIH YAKISOBA <3 vote comment like fan library.

The return of 2 of your favourite bg characters- 

It was now a big rumour that Sirius and I did it full on. We didn’t, just to make things right.

I met Regulus in the corridor, and he whispered to me with a apologetic smile, “Good job. Sirius is really um...” he trailed off, but I noticed creases of sadness, and his body tense and uncomfortable.

“Reg, I...” I closed my eyes tightly and hugged him in a best friend way. I felt his body relax as I said, “It'll be fine. If you need me, just shout for me. And I’ll be there.”

“Robin I- thank you.” He said, looking down at his shoes as I let go. He waved bye and walked off stiffly. I looked at him oddly.

I shook Regulus out of my mind and walked off to where I was going, to the Great Hall for brekkie. As I entered the Great Hall, I was overflown with people jumping at me, me only hearing bits like, “are you really?” and “I don’t believe it! You b!tch stealer!”

“Uuh...” I said quietly, seeing the people, most of them being, as I recognise, the girls who Sirius had 'played' around with. I cringed. “I am not dating Sirius Black! I promise you, I will shout it from the rooftops when I do, so stop badgering me!” I shouted, so that everyone in the hall heard. I froze.

Slapping a hand over my mouth, I pushed past the people to where I saw red hair sitting next to messy black hair. I looked around them and saw only Remus and Fiona across them. Moments later, within a blink of an eye, Sirius Black was sitting back in his spot, holding 2 pieces of toast - one in his mouth, the other on his hand -, looking cute and attractive doing so. I could see the confused look on his face as he caught my eye. I quickly walked quickly over to them, avoiding Sirius' gaze.

“Heard that.” They all said, turning to me, the same smirk on their faces. I groaned.

“it’s true isn’t it though? Right Sirius? I'm not dating you?” I said, still glancing at Sirius eating his toast.

He paused for a moment, and said in a calm voice, “She’s right. We aren’t.” I looked at him oddly.

“are you feeling... alright Siri?” I said, placing my hand on his forehead, and my other hand on his heart. “Everything in ord--”

Sirius grabbed the wrist of the hand that was on his chest and pressed it harder onto his chest, making me tense up. “Heart beats a little fast to be normal eh?”

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