Let's go..

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"Samantha,we're getting late" my boyfriend ,Dylan,called from downstairs."I'm coming,Dyl" I say grabbing my purse from the dresser.

"Let's go" I said after reaching downstairs.Dylan walks in front of me grabbing the car keys.I locked the door and got into the car.

"I bet we're gonna get late" Dylan said."We won't,just go" I said.Dylan and I are going to watch a movie at the theatre.After a lazy day,Dylan decided that we should just get out of the house.

"Dyl,you still didn't tell which movie we're going to watch?" I asked curiously because he got the tickets this afternoon." it's a surprise,I told you right" he said and I rolled my eyes.

We reached and went inside "I'm hungry,I want popcorn" I said like a child."ok,I'll get us both some" he said walking away."ok,I'll wait here" I said winking at him.He smiled.That was the smile I fell for.

I was standing there observing the place.There were a lot of kids here."here you go"Dylan said handing me the popcorn and my Sprite."thanks " I said kissing his cheek."Wanna go inside"He said holding my hand."Which movie?" "umm..Zootopia" he said."wow,Ihope it's good"I said and went inside.

After the movie and drinking a lot of Sprite I had to pee.Like really bad.We came out of our screen "Dyl,I gotta pee" I said "Go,I'll wait outside" he said."Ok" I said and walked towards the toilets.

As I was walking I heard someone's voice and hand patting me on my shoulder "Umm..Excuse me?" the voice said and I turned around."yes"I said."uuhh..my daughter wants to pee so umm..can you please take her inside the toilet  'cos obviously I can't go in there" He said.I chuckled and looked down to see a little girl holding her pee."Sure,come on" I said taking her hand.

I led her inside and helped her use the toilet.I asked her to wait outside the booth and she did.After I was done I took her to the sink to wash her hands.I lifted her up,washed her hands and put her down."So,what's your name?"I said washing my hands."I'm lily"she said looking up at me."I'm Samantha but you can call me Sam"I said grabbing some tissues to wipe my hands."how old are you Lily?" And she showed five fingers"I'm five"she said.I led her outside and she ran towards her dad hugging his legs.I went towards them"thank you"the guy said."Not a problem"I said "Lily,say thank you""thank you,Sam"she said."Thank you for keeping me company,lily" I said bending on my knees."Can I get a kiss?" I asked pointing on my cheek.she moved forward and gave me a kiss and I got up."By the way I'm Alex" he said"I'm Samantha,nice to meet you" I said and heard my phone ring.

" Well,that's my boyfriend gotta go" I said holding my phone up."Bye,Sam"Lily said."bye Lily" I said and left.I walked outside to see Dylan waiting."What took you so long?" He asked walking towards the car."A little girl wanted help, so that's why" I said getting into the car.The car ride was silent.Dylan dropped me off and left saying he had some work ,I walked inside my house.I put the keys on my desk.

I took a shower and changed into my pjs and made some dinner for myself.I ate it watching grey's anatomy.

I went to my room after dinner and was going through some pictures that I took a few days ago.I slowly drifted off to sleep later.



So,that's officially part 1. And I'm soooo excited to write this story.

I know there are some flaws but the next parts will come good.(I hope)

Hope you had a great read and see ya later!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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