Walking Shadows

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Wrote this for my Theater teacher. I don't normally get that in to poetry, but I was happy enough with this to share.

Out there somewhere, the city glows

And here I stand, watching from a distance

I will go and I will go,

But where do I stop? Nobody knows

The stars are above me,

Painting my destiny

The road behind me,

A forgotten and insubstantial past

The figure at my left side mimics my every move,

On the other, my friends stand Guardians of my own self

I take with my the clothes on my back and the lessons I’ve learned,

The obstacles I’ve faced, the faded memories

My hands are ink stained from the stories I’ve told,

And my hands ache to tell more

My thoughts are filled with family,

My heart with clean blood, my lungs with the air of new justice

I carry a stake to slay my vampires,

A whip to fend the wolves, and a cross so I will never forget

On my back I carry my bag of nice thoughts,

My bad ones left far behind

The journey ahead of me is dark and murky,

But I don’t stop; I always follow the bright star that is my only guidance

As I walk, I encounter new people,

At the crossroads where our lives meet

Most, I do not know,

But there are those few who I learn to like and understand 

It may be a long road I travel,

But lonely? Never

Sometimes my road turns,

Sometimes it splits,

Other times it stops completely,

And I must forge my own road,

Times come when I must divert from my road,

If only to comfort a lonely soul

Sometimes, I am the one in need of comfort,

And I must be led, blindly, a rope tied around my wrist

Such is the way of my travel,

Always changing, never stopping

Always new, never expected,

But in the end, I continue down my long road 

Following my bright star,

My shadow to my left, and my friends to my right

Walking ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now