Dear Dreams

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Dear Dreams,

I was supposed to write this letter the other day but I had some rage that needed venting so you got overlooked. I apologise. Now I'm not really sure if I'm writing this letter to my dreams in life or the ones I have at night. So I'm just going to go with the flow!

Well I must say that you really do make me doubt my sanity, I rarely have a 'normal' dream. Ever. Instead mine are completely random and weird. Saying that, if I could record my dreams somehow I'm sure they would make an interesting watch. Then again, other people would doubt my sanity. Which a college tutor of mine probably did, he actually told a psychologist friend about my dreams cos they sounded 'interesting'.

In my most recent weird dream I had a home delivery with a company I don't have an account with; don't even know if accounts with them are possible. So a whole lorry came to drop off a washing machine, a chocolate fudge brownie and a bunch of bananas. I can't even stand bananas!

Another weird dream I've had was...well, odd to say the least. One day out of the blue I just popped out a baby. I didn't even know I was pregnant in my dream but anyways I gave birth to this baby prematurely and called her Jessie, I think my other story influenced that one. So I was at work at six p.m locking up. At that moment I decided to tell my manager that I'd had this baby, why it hadn’t been mentioned earlier in the day I have no idea. So my manager gave me maternity leave...for a week, which I was apparently happy with.

I must say I am lucky though. I rarely have nightmares and when I do they are usually about spiders. I am petrified of those little bastards so when I'm worried about something that's what I dream about, but I hardly ever remember. And I mean the nightmares where I swear and shout. Once my Mum actually thought someone was 'making me do things I didn't want to' and I was dreaming about it. I felt about two inches high when I had to explain that I had been dreaming about spiders, she was really worried bless her!

There is one nightmare that sticks in mind even now. I had it when I was about seven or eight, I'd not long since moved in with my Mum and Dad. I dreamt that I was a grown up and some girl just randomly walked into my house, which I was fine with. Her teeth were blue and made of ice. Suddenly her teeth started melting and bleeding, and she randomly died. The dream progressed to years later when my daughter was going through the wash basket and she found that girls pink and white stripy top with the blood stain. No idea why I had it years later. My daughter then started screaming before I woke up. When I looked under the bed to make sure that girl wasn't there, what I was seven, I found something that really shit me up. A Barbie top the exact same s the girls. I was so freaked out, looking back now though I think what the hell?

I would say give me normal dreams but then that'd be boring, so please just tone 'em done a bit. Also add a bit more Aaron Ramsey! :)

Thanks Shaz

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