Morals, Money and Intelligence - A Sherlock OneShot

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A/N – Okay so this is for RainforestGirl’s contest – ‘On the Side of the Angels’. *cough* I literally started at 9am on the day it was due, during my web design class. I know, I know, I’m lazy and everything. But yeah, I’ve sorta been completely obsessed with Star Trek recently and…

I dunno. I haven’t really thought this plot out, but I’m sure I’ll get something or rather down and published before midnight. Fun. This is meant to be an entry in John’s Blog. If you’ve read ‘The Meeting’ – my WhoLock fic, you’ll know I’ve done something like this before, though never this long before :( Three page minimum. My readers will know I hate long chapters, and long OneShots, so this will be a challenge. But I suppose that’s the point, right? Haha.

I’m not actually sure I’ll be able to do this, especially since I’m going to some gaming thing tonight apparently, which I found out about just after I came home. So, yeah, I dunno. I’ll post whatever I have by 11:45pm, and see how far I’ve gotten by then.


<Oh and the rules for this round was that I had to include an actor – ‘Rob James-Collier’. I couldn’t quite think how to do it, since I’ve never seen anything he’s been in. And you guys probably know characterisation is my strength. So I was lazy in that department – literally putting in the actor as himself. I think that’s still okay. I dunno. I haven’t read anything anyone else has written for the contest. I dunno, I hope it makes you laugh> <Poor John>

Morals, Money and Intelligence

Right. So, I’m a bit fed up with Sherlock.

It started when I foolishly asked Sherlock to lunch three days ago. And it was going well. I swear it was. And then I noticed, sitting across from us in the café, Rob James-Collier. You know, that bloke off Downtown Abbey! And of course, Sherlock noticed me noticing him and the next thing I know, Sherlock’s on the other side of the café, telling James-Collier how acting for television was a pointless job and that even if it wasn’t his show was the most pointless thing in the universe.

I did try to intervene, with much apologising, but Sherlock wasn’t having it. We’d probably all still be there (or in a cell for harassment) if it weren’t for Lestrade’s text. Couldn’t have come at a better time (except maybe before Sherlock started the whole thing). Thanks Greg.

So, of course, we turn up at the crime scene, Sherlock acting as if he didn’t just diss a great actor just on a whim.  There was a murder, of course – two bodies this time. Oh that sounds a bit rude, right? Two people dead. People, not bodies. Arggh, Sherlock’s got me used to this whole thing. The bodies and the deaths and the grisly details. I don’t even think the war made me this immune to it all. Bloody Sherlock.

There were two people dead – one female, one male. Both early twenties. Dead by gunshot wounds. The girl was Carly Noir and the guy was Jack Smith. The problem was, no weapons. And the gunshots were quite expertly aimed. Straight through the head.

Jack was quite normal. Carly, on the other hand, had a large inheritance. But besides from that…

Anyway, Sherlock managed to deduce… god I can’t remember.

Um, something to do with … the hair?



Okay, I can’t remember the details. To be fair, a lot has happened today. And anyway, it’s not as if it mattered. It was just a clue that lead him to believe… well, I won’t give it away.

Morals, Money and Intelligence - A Sherlock OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now