Dine with me?

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I'm going to be frank
That sometimes I'm a crank
When someneone pulls a prank
And I want to run them over with a tank

But I do no such thing
I don't spread out my evil wings
I just sit on my emotional swing
And ignore them eventhough it stings

I imagine them suffer
I smile as I'm fluffer
As their screams falter
And they're in the world After

But I let my thoughts collect dust
And maybe a little rust
My mind, I cannot trust
It'll lead me to a bust

Instead I smile and act fine
And ask if they'd like to dine
With me under that pine
They say yes, how can they decline?

I set up a gorgeous picnic
And bring a good chickflick
My meals so good, their fingers they lick
Oblivious that there is arsenic

I smile as I wait for the poison
To take effect on the person
I care not if I go to prison
At least in the meantime, I get their mansion

Within minutes, blood they cough out
Eyes wide, shock and horror, too afraid to shout
Raging breaths much like a breathless trout
Too terrified to comprehend what all it was about

At first I act as if I care
And say that I hope they fare
And then I start to tear
Away my facàde, no longer I wear
And with a cackle, I glare

I brace them with my blinding smile
And ask them "Why? Haven't had a joke in a while?"
No rage left in them to rile
So they wither away and die

I collect my things and drag the body
To tie loose ends and wash the bloody
I dig a hole where it is woody
I push them in and say "Bye-bye buddy"

I failed to hold it in this time
And resorted to my wonderful crime
If anyone saw, I'd pay them a dime
To keep them shut or in their eyes, I'd squirt lime

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