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Never return? Just thinking about it sounded like a good idea. No one wants me. Sure that might sound like a teenage girl, but it was true. They wouldn't even know that I was missing in the first place, especially if you enter Slender Woods. There weren't many reports about these woods anyway to be believable to me. I noticed a small path leading into the woods and that's when I made up my mind.

I walked onto the path into the woods, looking at my surroundings and it didn't look like what people described it to be. If you looked from a distance you would see a black figure standing there or someone's always there, watching your every move, blah blah; it just goes on and on.

I continued walking down the path, enjoying the silence that the woods gave, but then I felt a soft static. I turned around and I was shocked at what I saw; a very (very) tall, pale, slender man, with no face. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a red tie.

"You're trespassing." He said. His voice was much deeper than what I expected to be.

"Says the one who's talking."

He chuckled a little, "these are my woods." He stated.

"I'm guessing you're the famous Slenderman?"

He nodded, "well, I wouldn't say famous."

"Look, if you're going to kill me, you'll be doing me a favor." I said to him looking up at the tall man with a serious expression.

"I should, but I won't."

I smiled a little at him "Well, care to join me for a walk then? I'm Maya by the way "

"You're not scared of me?" He questioned.

I only shook my head "No." I began walking, but stopped, looking over my shoulder and saw him just standing there, "don't stand there, come on." I chuckled and continued walking again.

He soon caught up and was walking beside me, "why aren't you scared of me?"

I shrugged, "why should I be? You haven't killed me yet." I looked up at him, "you're not used to someone that isn't scared of you?" I asked as he shook his head. I looked straight ahead, "I was shocked at first, but only because I've never seen anyone like you. Don't take it the wrong way."

"I understand. Though, you humans tend to act out in violence when you don't understand."

"Well, that is true but I won't."


I looked at the woman beside me; a light grayish purple on her cheek, "how did you get the bruise?"

She began to rub her cheek, "my drunk boyfriend hit me last night." She answered and removed her hand from her face, "I tried to hide it but I couldn't."

I was shocked; he has everything a man would want, "I'm sorry that he did that to you."

"Don't be, you shouldn't be the one apologizing. Like you said before, humans act out in violence to things they don't understand." She replied with a grin.

I shook my head again in disappointment and from reading her mind, that smile was fake. "Why did you come here anyway?" I said, changing the subject.

She sighed, "To disappear. Though it seems that you aren't going to make that happen are you?"

I was taken back a little at that comment and the question, "No, I don't intend to."

She nodded before taking out her phone and sighed, "I have to go before I'm late for work."

"I'll walk you back." I said as we turned around to walk back towards the beginning of the path. I never thought I would be close to a human, nor did I think she wouldn't be scared of me. I looked down at her; she was more beautiful close up. I stopped my thoughts; I can't trust her, she's probably like this to be generous towards me so I wouldn't kill her.

Once we got towards the beginning of the path she looked at me, "will I see you again Slender?" She asked.

I thought about it, "I don't think that would be wise."

"Look, I understand if you don't trust me and that you're not used to this." She said and began walking away, "I do hope I get to see you again."

"Yeah, see you around Maya."

As the day went by she came by to see me almost everyday. I always wondered why, but I never asked. We got close over those days when she came to see me. Sally and my proxies have met her and they didn't see her as a threat.

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