Entering The Games

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(Seto's POV):

"Hey guys, it's Seto, and today we're playing a huge youtuber hunger games bonanza! It will be so much fun! Today on this server is...






























I let out a breath. Boy that was a mouthful. Who thought this was a good idea in the first place?

Oh yeah. Adam.

Of course.


Anyway, I had to get ready, as the timer was counting down. When it reached 0 I sprinted towards the middle, but as soon as I reached a chest I blacked out.

There was just a thud as I hit my desk.



I woke up with a splitting headache. I immediately took in my surroundings, with no sense of what was going on.

"Seto! You're alright!"

A hand reached out to help me out. I looked up to see Pat, or PopularMMOS, extending his hand to me. I gladly accepted the offer and allowed him to pull me up.
Then I noticed something off. Pat was in his MineCraft skin.
Wait pat was blocky.
Wait I'm blocky.
What. Even.
No kidding right now. I'm actually in MineCraft.
Me and Pat discovered we were in a forest, along with 5 other people. The people were:


Okay then.
Everyone else was passed out on the ground. Just me and Pat were up.

"Hey Seto, they'll be alright won't they?"

I nodded. "I think they're just passed out. Where is everyone else?"
Pat shook his head. "I have no clue. Why are we in MineCraft even? This is crazy."
"P-Pat? W-whats going on? W-why are we in MineCraft?"
A familiar female face stared at us.
Pat hugged his wife.
"Jen You're okay! I have no idea why we're here. I'm kinda scared honestly."
Glancing around I noticed everyone had just woken up, some more confused and disoriented than others.
A booming voice surrounding us. It sounded like it was echoing off something, but what?
A few people jumped at the voice, and some seemed unfazed. We all looked around for the voice. It seemed to come from the top of a tree, so we all look up at it.
And there stood...

A girl.

Not just any girl of course, this girl was The girl. Sorceressmetori. A magical being said to live inside MineCraft.
Sorceressmetori had an outfit like mine, except it was pink and magenta. She had long brown hair and pale skin.
She looked down on all of us, and spoke, except this time it wasn't a booming voice.
"Hello everyone!" She gave a cheerful smile,"I'm sorceressmetori , but you can call me metori! I've brought you all here for a special reason! Notch wants to implement a version of the game where you can enter the game and live inside of it! Of course when you die you'll wake up at your desk with your computer! When this is implemented you can open the game menu and leave the game by pressing a button on your characters arm, but since this is a test you can only get out by dying!" (omg this sounds like dangan ronpa)
We all stared at her waiting to know why were here.
"Oh yeah I'm getting off topic. Anyway, you are all our test subjects! We are testing out hunger games! So when you are killed you'll wake up! Im putting you all in teams! The winning team will get....a free prepaid trip to Hawaii for a month!"
There were gasps of delight from all around.
"The people you are currently with are your teammates! By the way only one group can see me the rest are only hearing me!"
I felt lucky.
"Just to clarify, the groups are:
G1: Yammy, Bee, Seto, Jason, Tyler, Pat, and Jen.
G2: Sky, Ty, Ross, Barney, Jin, Aphmau, and Max
G3: Mitch, Jerome, Lachlan, Vikk, Rob, Preston, and Matt
G4: Jordan, Ian, Bodil, Amy, Stampy, Squid, and Lee.
You will now be teleported to the arena! Have fun!"
Metori waved her arm and with a bright flash we had teleported.
Holy Frick she was like me.
We now stood on plates in the middle of a large field full of bright flowers and a lush forest. We can see a picturesque mountain in the distance. It is absolutely beautiful. A bunch of fluffy squirrels run by, and a green bird flies overhead (it's haymitchs arena from catching fire)

Wait...since when does MineCraft have these things?
Well it does now.
We look to the cornucopia in the middle of all the plates. A timer sits atop it counting down from sixty. It reaches 0 and we all Sprint to the chests

The hunger games have begun for real.

MineCraft Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now