Chapter Eleven

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-------- Chapter Eleven ---------

The slight knock on the door sent my heart racing out of my chest. I ran to the door and opened it, "Harper!" I squealed. 

His blonde hair is pressed flat against one side of his head and the other is sticking out everywhere. Now I know what side he sleeps on. 

His eyes are ringed purple from what could be lack of sleep. That worries me a bit. He has a little bag in one hand. 

"Hey Stella," he opened his arms for me. I jumped into them and wrapped my legs around his waist. "How have you been?" 

"I've been better." I replied and let go. I walked into the house with him following. 

"What happened?" he asked. I really don't want to explain this again, but I kind of brought that on me. 

I sat down on the couch in the living room and explained everything… again.

"You seem pretty torn up about this." he said matter-of-factly. 

"Yea, whatever." I shrugged. "Do you want to watch a movie or something? I really don't want to talk about this right now." 

"Sure. What do you want to watch?" he asked. 

"How To Train Your Dragon." I answered smiling. 

"And how old are you?" he smirked. 

"Wow, I get asked that question a lot. By the way I'm twenty eight." I answered and got up to put the movie in. "And besides that's like one of my favourite Disney movies because it doesn't involve some prissy princess" 

"Have to give you that."

After I put the movie in a curled up beside Harper. 


"HOLY SHIT!" I heard someone scream. I jumped from the surprise and fell off the couch. 

"What the fuck?" I rubbed the back of my head from where I hit it hard on the floor. 

I looked over to see Harper on the floor dying of laughter. Tears ran down his face and he clutched his stomach. 

"Fuck you." I stormed out of the room. That jerk can't just scare me like that. 

"Come on Stella, that was too funny." he giggled. 

"No that wasn't. What if I cracked my head open or died from some weird internal bleeding because a bone cracked and stabbed one of the arteries." I complained. 

"You are so weird." he teased, and popped a pretzel into his mouth.  

"Where did you find pretzels?" I screamed. 

"In your pantry." he replied with a raising of his eyebrow. 

"OhMyGod!" I ran downstairs and found an open bag of pretzels. 

I stuck my hand in and started eating them like I haven't eaten ever in my life.

"Are you hungry or something?" Harper stood at the bottom of the stairs leaning against a post.

"No I just never knew I had pretzels and they are awesome snacks." I mumbled with a mouth full of pretzels. 

"You're such a pig." Harper joked.

"Thanks for the hurtful words." I pouted and made my eyes water.

"You know I'm kidding." Harper grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me in for a hug.

"You're a jerk." I giggled. 

"I know, but you love me for it." he joked. 

"Yea, you could say that." 

"Oh you know it's true." Harper smirked. 

"You got me. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I pulled away from him and ran up the stairs with the bag of pretzels in my hand.

"Stella!" Harper chased me up the stairs. 

I turned around the corner fast and sprinted for my backyard. In the back is a big maple tree that I can climb easily. 

"Stella you know I'll be able to find you no matter what. You can't hide from me." Harper yelled after me playfully. I giggled to myself.

Harper eventually came outside after a little while looking around inside.

"Stella where the hell are you?" He yelled. I snickered a little. "You know I'm going to find you Stella." Harper smirked. 

He slowly turned around from where he was standing and looked up and right at me through the leaves that are sheilding me. I didn't dare to move, but I knew that he knew I was there. 

I watched him walk casually to the tree I'm in.

I slowly started to edge my way behind the trunk so he doesn't see me. 

"No point in hiding. Stella I'm going to come and get you." He had a devious look on his face. 

I looked away from him for a moment to try and hide myself better, but my foot slipped off the branch and I couldn't grip onto a branch that was placed above my head.

"Stella!" Harper cried out. 

As I fell to the ground sticks and twigs ripped at my clothing and cut open my skin. Every part of my body hurt like crazy. It felt like I was being burned or had a bunch of needles stabbed into me. 

All I could think about was Ian. Does he miss me or has he completely forgot about me? 

Right has I hit the ground I could hear bones snapping and something tearing away at my skin.

"Stella? Come on Stella wake up." I could hear Harper, but he sounds like he is far away. I wanted to respond to him, but I could move anything. 

"Stella ans-" That's when everything went black.

Some Getaways Pay Well ~ Book One of MT Trilogy ~ Do not read - so horribleWhere stories live. Discover now