I need to know who he is

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(Ayu's POV)

I get out of bed. My legs still shaking I only make it halfway to the door before I stumble.

The doctors and nurses pull me back up, taking me back to my bed. As i'm being dragged back, my hands try to reach for the doorknob.

"I need to see him.....I need to know who he is..." I say weakly to the doctors.

Doctor: Ayu shii, you are still in a weak state. Let's decide that later....okay?

I couldn't help it. I was too weak to nudge them off.

As I rest in bed and all the doctors and nurses leave, I look out of the window of the door. There were two nurses, standing guard.

If they're gonna be like that, then it leaves me no choice.

I head away from the door, and crack open the window.

(GD's POV)

I head out the hospital door. I look back at her window, then turn around. I cool my hot face with my cold sweaty hands.

All the members get into the van. As I still hesitate I turn around once more.

"Hyung! Hurry up!" Daesung says.

I nod as I head towards the van.


I stop.

I thought I heard my name.

Standing still, I hear it again.


I turn around. My eyes grow wide.

There, Ayu was half stuck on the window sill, with half her legs sticking out of the window.

She was shaking because she was still so weak. As she struggles to get out she looks up. Our eyes match, and she tilts her head.

".....?jiyong?......." she says.

I rush towards the window giving her a hug.

"Ayu ah!! Do you remember me?" I say in a soft whisper.


I smile sadly.

So she doesn't remember....

"......but I somehow know your name..." she says.

I pull back, looking at her face. She looked confused again, her eyebrows scrunched up in a frown.

"I don't know who you are, but you seem so familiar....somehow, it's like your very important to me...."

As I stand there just staring at her face, a person knocks on the door.

"Ayu shii, it's time for your medication."

As I look at the door, Ayu opens her arms.

"Moe?" I ask her.

She looks at me desperately.

"Isn't it obvious? Carry me out!"

The nurse slowly opens the door.

She whispers.

"Hurry! Hurry!"

I grab her and carry her out the window, princess style.

As I make it towards the van, the nurse yells:

"Ayu shii is escaping!!!!"

The nurse goes out of the room, getting doctors.

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