Chapter 1

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"GET YOUR ASS OF THE BED JAMAICA!" Caitlin shouted from the top of her lungs. Nah, I don't mind waking up, I love my bed, simple as that.

"I SWEAR IF YOU DIDN'T GET UP FROM THAT BED YOUR CARROTS WILL BE MURDERED! MWAHAHAHA!" Caitlin shouted and of course I stood up quickly and I ran to our fridge downstairs. I hugged the fridge "Did Caitlin hurt you baby?" I cooed to our fridge. I opened it and I saw nothing but Caitlin's Oreos.

"WHERE IS MY CARROTS AND VEGEMITE?" I screamed from the top of my voice. "Looking for me?" Caitlin said, where the fuck is she? "I'm here idiot!" She said and she's on the top of my fridge. Maybe she use her ninja skills.

"WHERE. IS. MY. CARROTS. AND. VEGEMITE?" I asked/shouted and I pull her legs causing her to fall on the kitchen floor. "OW! IT HURTS!" She shouted "NO SHIT SHERLOCK!" I shouted "OF COURSE IT HURTS!" I shouted again. Our house is full of shouting.

"Nah, I don't care I have your Oreos" I said. Of course I care! Vegemite, Carrots, PopTarts, and Oreos are my life! I used it to threaten her. I ran to our fridge and I get all of our oreos

"GIVE ME MY OREOS!" She shouted and I kept on walking. She tries to stand up but she failed. "GIVE MY CARROTS AND EVERYTHING YOU GOT FROM THE FRIDGE!" I shouted back. "IT'S UNDER THE TABLE!" She shouted. I ran to the table and I saw my babies there. I packed them and I placed them properly on the fridge.

I helped Caitlin to stand "Your Oreo is in the ref, I got one though" I shrugged and she shot me a glare. "LET'S GO TO WALMART!" She shouted and she rolled on the floor again. Typical Caitlin. "LET'S GO!" I shouted back. We never keep quiet. Our neighbor throw us some trash when we're super loud. We throw back it to them, that's what you call PAYBACK.

She looped her arms around my arms and we walked. "What if we saw Dan Howell there?" Caitlin said. "I'll rape him" I said "NO! YOU FAGGOT!" She shouted and the people that are walking on the side walk are starring at us. "Whatcha looking at Kid?" I ask the boy with an ice cream on his hands. 

"You look like a racoon and you, the girl who shouted looks like an owl" He said and he lick his ice cream "Shut up you little boy, you look like the ugliest boy in the whole wide world. Leave before we scare you to death" Caitlin snapped and the little boy ran as fast as he can.

"Boys, these days" I murmured. We reached the Walmart and we ran to the food section cause I don't really know. "AHH! DAN AND PHIL! LET'S RAPE THEM!" Caitlin shouted and we ran to them and I'm on Dan's back biting his neck.

"WHY ARE YOU BITING ME?" He asked and basically he's freaking out. "I'M A VAMPIRE!" I said and I kept biting his neck. "CAITLIN! HE'S INFECTED! MWAHAHAHA!" I evilly laughed and the people in Walmart kept on starring at us. "GOOD JOB, JAM! PHIL IS INFECTED TOO!" She shouted and I jumped off Dan's back.

"Hi! I'm Jamaica!" I said to Dan. "You scared me to death! You're cool though! Let's be friends!" He said "OH MY FREAKING MOTHER OF VEGEMITE!" Caitlin shouted "Yeah you're cool too!" Phil said to Caitlin. 

"You two should learn how to be a vampire" Caitlin and I said in unison. We're creep sometimes.


Now you can see my other side. I'm not the moody one. 

-Andrea is Fuuunn! <3

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