Ch 1- It's Her Wedding Day

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When Alex was a kid one of her first English teachers told her that if you repeat something over and over again it'll lose it's meaning.

Alex tried this and it seemed to work

Eventually. she realized it is the same way in life.

If you watch the stars every night they'll lose their fascination, and just become dots in the sky. If you just wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up you eventually forget the reason why. And if you repeat a mistake over and over again you will no longer consider it a mistake.

That is what Alex thought she was at first, a mistake.

Until the day she stood in front of the mirror and said

"I love her"

"I love her"

"I lover her"

She waited for the words to lose their meaning, but they never did

Alex realized her professor was mistaken.

You'd think that was an educator, and even more so one of English literature, he would value the meaning of words more.

"I love her"

The weight of significance in those words have the power to turn Alex's life upside down.

Daniela Estrebao is not a mistake, she realized.

For Alex? She's the reason the word 'love' regained it's meaning.


"Daniela?" I asked

She nodded with a bright smile and placed a quick kiss on my cheek.

"If you're sure" I said.

"Yes" she insisted "You said I'd get to pick my fake name. I want Daniela"

"Okay, okay" I threw my hands up in defeat as Camila sat beside me in the all too familiar black couch in her apartment.

I was writing for my book though I wasn't sure where I was going to put this excerpt. I'd find a place for it at some point, I'm sure.

I hadn't written much for it since the project was placed on hold for a bit, but now that it's getting picked back up I'm basically starting from zero.

"What's your name going to be?" she asked.

"Alex" I informed her

She smirked "Girls with guy names are hot"

I threw her a playful wink before she shut down the laptop that was in front of me

"Hey!" I whined

"No hey's" she said placing a soft kiss on my lips "We're going to be late to the wedding"

I began to open the laptop back up "But baby I-"

I felt her hand on top of mine forcefully shutting the laptop once more

"Lauren" she warned. "I'm not going to be late we promised we wouldn't be"

I looked into the warm brown eyes that we're trying their best to appear intimidating at the moment.

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