My Secret Love

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I watched every day as he was bombarded my the girls. I watched as they flung themselves to him in attempt to gather his attention. I watched as my boyfriend was surrounded by millions of girls, but it didn't bother me.

Why, because I knew he loved me. I knew that he only had eyes for me and he wouldn't ever hurt me. I loved him with all my heart.

We would skype or call every night while he was away, and now he was coming back. Nobody knew he was mine. It was to dangerous, because he wouldn't be there to protect me from the screaming girls and 'paps' that would try everything to get to me.

He was coming back tonight, and I would see him for the first time in four months. We decided to come out with our relationship.

It has been going strong for five years. No, we are not old. We were childhood friends, and began dating at thirteen. I am now eighteen, and he is nineteen.

Most though it was a silly crush at the beginning, and it might have been, but it soon sprouted into unconditional love for each other.

Me and Louis, my love, rescently purchased a small vacation house in the mountains. We last went up there the week before he left for his tour. It was a nice cabin, and we had an amazing time just messing around like old times.

The shrill of the bell brought me out of my day dream. "Thinking about him again?" my best friend, Erin, asked me and I grinned sheepishly. Erin doesn't know who he is, only that we have to keep our relationship a secret.

"I can't believe he's finally coming back," I said dreamily as I made my way out of Maths. Erin grinned at me, "I'm happy, maybe I could finally meet this guy," she said and I stopped in my tracks.

"You know, why don't you! Come over tonight around eight," I said and she turned to face me with a huge smile. "Seriously?" she asked and I nodded.

Erin tackled me into a huge hug, "Thank you!" I laughed. I had never let her meet him because of the fame thing, but I figured I could trust her after two years of friendship.

The rest of the school day whizzed by. When the final bell rang I said a quick good-bye before rushing toward the car lot. I hopped into my white Range Rover and rushed to my house.

I hurried up the steps to my room, where I changed out of my uniform. I slipped on jean shorts, a white tank top and Louis' red hollister hoodie. I slipped on my red converse and tied my wavy brown locks into a ponytail.

There was no need for mascara thanks to my naturally long lashes that frame my hazel eyes, so I just left it bare.

I checked the time, 5 o'clock. Louis would be here soon with is bandmates. I had yet to meet them, and was super excited.

I have all of their songs on my phone. They truly are amazing. I walked down the stairs and decided to grab a bite to eat before he got here.

I looked through the fridge before picking out a carrot. I took a bite out of the top and it reminded me of Louis.

On his video diary, he said the thing about liking girls who have a taste in carrots because we were both obsessed with them as children.

I had only taken one more bite before the doorbell rang. I walked over to it and opened it. There stood an all too familiar face. He walked in the door and lifted me into a giant bear hug. I gladly returned it.

I grinned as he spun me around. "I missed you Laurey," he said using my nick name. "I missed you to Lou-Lou," I told him and hugged him again.

When we pulled apart he looked at my hand, then me, then my hand, then grabbed my carrot and took a bite out of it. "Louis!" I said and he looked at me innocently. "I want my carrot back," I protested and he grinned.

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