Sweet Coat

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(Five Years ago.)
She looked around her warm honey brown eyes gazing around the crowd with intensity. She slipped through hot sweaty body's that reeked of smoke, perfume, alcohol and cheap cologne. Never once has she seen a place so crowded and the dance floor so alive. Finally slipping to the back she took a deep breath and stood up straight pulling her short tight dress down and strutted to the V.I.P area. The bouncer saw her approach and crossed his thick muscled arms and leaned back slightly eyeing her up as he spoke with a deep voice.

"Got a pass?"

Her lips formed with a smirk as she tilted her head and smiled. "Do I really need one honestly? I mean come on." Her eyes glistened with devious intentions.
The bouncer chuckled and shifted to his right foot his shades hiding his eyes as he looked down at her. "Like I said. Do you got a pass?"

She rolled her eyes and dug in her purse looking for a pretend pass she didn't have. Worried she quickly conjured up a different plan into getting in.

A sharp looking male figure stood by the door watching with amusement while sipping scotch on rocks. His blue grey eyes were clouded with drugs and alcohol. His slicked back black hair, soft eyes and well rounded nose and strong chin with defining muscles and great looks.

"I left it at home. So you should let me in. ". She smiled batting those eyes of hers.

The bouncer began to speak. "No way. No pass no-"

The sharp looking man cut him off. "Glad you can make it Cherie. Let her in Big Man." He eyed her up taking a slow sip of his drink. And hesitantly the bouncer unhooked the velvet rope and allowed her to pass. She flipped her long auburn hair and walked inside her black heels barely audible over the loud thumping music. She went inside and was greeted with cloud of heavy smoke. Most likely weed or cigarettes. Knowing this place probably both. Heavy looking men with gross features were surrounded with women dressed in the most sexual revealing clothing, laughing, drinking, and smoking and turned their direction to her with an envy, hate, and lustful looks.

She kept her head up followed the man without missing a beat and slowed down as he opened a small door with few people. Two men that looked similar to the first man sat on plush leather couches and three female with horrible taste in fashion sat around them.

"Sit." He said as he walked to the private bar and poured her  a cup of  Cîroc while sliding something into her drink. She complied and sat down and did a quick checkup with her makeup and smiled at him as he handed it too her. She pretended to take a sip and sat it down smelling a small foul odor.

He sat down putting his arm over the couch and crossed his legs and looked at her. "What brings you here Cherie?"

Annoyance rang in her voice and took out a small picture and showed it too him of a tall dark haired handsome man. "Have you seen this man? I heard he comes here often..."

He chuckled taking the pic. "Mikey. Yeah I know him. Oh man he's done some shit." He threw his head back and laughed. "In fact he just left with some raunchy chick."

She kept a calm, cool, collective exterior as she her eye twitched with annoyance. "Do you know where he went..?"

He thought for a second. "Uh...I think over to Hamilton Hotel." A wide smile appeared on his lips as he thought of the past times he went there.

She stood up dusting off her dress. "Thank you. "  She walked out before he could say another word as she strutted out of the building with eyes watching her. Her fingers clutched her small black purse tight cussing the man in her mind. She got in her car and buckled up and started the engine and backed out and hot on the highway. Getting on the high way she sped cautiously and turned the radio on.

A bit ahead a black car sped dangerously and swerved carelessly heading towards her car. She dropped her phone and bent down to reach it struggling to grab it as she drove with one hand. The black car lost control and spun knocking her car off the road. The black car slammed on its top scrapping the floor as loud terrified screams filled the air. Her car on the other hand flew off the railing of the high road and slammed onto the bottom one and crunched, splattering glass everywhere and the doors made a deafening crunch sound as it made impact.

She was left excruciating pain as she wailed and screamed for help. She was dizzy and covered in bloods her legs stuck underneath the dashboard her arms weak and heavy with pain before one last scream; dizzy with blood. Her blood stained
eyelashes shut slowly as she opened and closed them in and out of conscience. Blurry dots filled with red and blue lights blurry faces rushing towards the car and soft wail sirens in the distance.

A officer sat crouched on the opposite side of the car muttering encouraging words that she couldn't hear well. The fire fighters safely pulled her out of the car and onto a stretcher. Her body screamed in pain and agony as they strapped her down and put a mask on her for her to breathe rushing her inside. They shut the two doors as they did their best to keep her alive. The ambulance was rushing to the hospital and every small bump made her feel sick and nauseated and she felt trapped, and claustrophobic.

(10 Hours Later)

She woke up hours later rubbing her head feeling groggy and dizzy. She closed her eyes and sat up slowly groaning in pain her eyes met with the dull light of the hospital room. She looked up and saw a nurse and a girl with familiar blonde hair.

She whispered softly with a heavy headache. "Olivia?"

The girls bright blue orbs light up like a Christmas tree hearing her voice although it was raspy and sounded like she needed water. "Oh my god. I'm glad your awake! I was so worried!" She exclaimed her eyes brimming with tears as she covered her mouth with her hands. She sat down as the nurse glared at her to keep quiet.

The nurse spoke quietly and calmly as she looked at me.  "How did you sleep honey?"

"Is that even a questions right now?" She muttered rubbing her head.

The nurse smiled looked forced now. "Yes. Right. That was a terrible wreck, you know? You broke your right leg under the pressure and a few ribs. Hit your head hard too."

Cherie groaned and rubbed her head feeling pain as the nurse handed her two pills and pixie cup of water. She swallowed both pills effortlessly. After all she has taken bigger pills than this. She sighed and craved more water but stayed silent about it. She looked at the nurse as she babbled about her injuries and cut her off.

"Did the others survive..?" The room got quiet and everyone looked at her in shock.

The nurse stammered, "W-Well. I ..uh- There were four people...T-Two girls died on impact. One guy died just last night and the other well he's...in critical condition. The D-Doctor doesn't think he'll survive..."

She nodded slowly rubbing her head and then closed her eyes slowly feeling dizzy sand weak.

'God...I can't believe people died...' Her mind was clouded with doubt and disbelief at the people who died. 

"The police are filing a report and they are going to come in later for questioning..." The blonde girl said.

"Olivia shut up."  She muttered rubbing her head.  She laid down and sighed closing her eyes. Upon doing so she fell in a trance of heavy sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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