Next chappie (such a creative name)

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So sorry I haven't posted in a whule, busy theater times... got a show comming up... ;) on with the chappie!

Cave's POV (ermahgerd!)

Before I knew it I had the wind knocked out of me and arms squeezing me to death. I looked down to see a mop of copper hair. I smiled as memories flitted through my head. When she was born.... her first couple birthdays.... Then she and my mother and stepfsther dissapeared. "Long time no see Emily." She let me go and smiled up at me. She was so much different from when I last saw her. She was alot taller, almost as tall as me, she had gotten glasses, hrr hair was lighter and shorter, but she looked unhealthy, just like when mom and dsd abused her. "Hey you alright?" I asked. She looked up as me, confusion written all over her face. "What do you mean?" Her voice was quiet, through it I could tell something was wrong. I gently placed my hand on her shoulder and she winced. Concern bloomed on my face and I gently lifted the shoulder of her shirt to see a large patch of purple and black blooming on her shoulder. I looked closer and saw bruses, cuts, and scrapes on almost every inch of shown skin. She was also painfully thin. "I'll tell you later...." shr mumbled. I nodded.

~magical time skip where snakes are hola-hooping and hippos are square dancing~

Emily's POV

I slowly leaned back znd grimaced in pain. "I guess I'll tell you now..." I trailed off as I gently buckled myself in. "Theres this group of girls, they didn't bother me when my friends Olivia and Linkette were there, but Olivia is Sky's sister and Linkette turned 18 and left. Then the girls started bullieing me, physically and verbally. No one tried to stop them, I was an outcast. The teachers adored the girls and thought I was the ond causing alk thr trouble, do I got my meals taken away, also do we have any other siblings?" I finished glancing over at Dan. "I don't, you do, Im your half brother, you have another half brother other than me. Wr share a mother, you and him share a father."

"Who is it?"

"Ever heard of Setosorcerer?"

I froze. Of course I had. I loved watching him play with Sky. Olivia kept in contact and had told me about her and Seto dating.

"You mean the guy who is dating one of my best friends is my half-brother?!" I asked astonished.


Hehe, I'll leace it there for now, bye bye my lovely readers!


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