Chapter Thirteen

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Oh you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change; If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same, so don't even bother asking if you look okay, You know I'll say, -Bruno Mars
Um warning, not smut but very close to it ;) ;)

"Mom CJ just walked out! Im going to talk to him!" "Okay sweetheart!"

Before CJ could drive off in his car Ryan jumped in the passenger seat. CJ didn't yell at him, he didn't tell him to get out, he just sat in silence. When they pulled up to the school CJ parked the car and sat there. Ryan leaned over and whispered, "Good luck out there, Angel." Saying Angel in the most seductive way possible.

CJ would be lying if he said that didn't turn him on. He looked at the younger boy, "I love you. My god Ry, I love you so fucking much it hurts. I love your personality, your eyes and damn that body." CJ laughed when he added that last part. "Your not so bad yourself," Ryan said leaning towards CJ, "Quarterback." "Ah you're killing me Ry!" CJ complained. "You have a game to get to!" Ryan yelled jumping out of the car. CJ got out, slamming the door, following the younger boy. "Damn."

During the game everyone was cheering on CJ as he went for a Touchdown. "CJ! CJ! CJ!" and from some people that didn't know how to listen, "42! 42! 42!"

Ryan wasn't cheering because he would praise CJ after the game was over. Next to Ryan sat a girl named Shelby and a boy named Cody. "42 is sooo hot." "Yeah he is." "You think I got a shot?" "I dunno Shelby. I heard he was gay." "Ahh man no way!" "I bet I have a chance though." Ryan butted into their conversation, "I don't know. I heard he has a boyfriend." "Damn, you should still try anyways Cody. It never stopped you before." Ryan was becoming pissed off but before he could do anything the buzzer went off indicating the game ended. Fans cheered and booed. The Hawks had won!
Ryan ran down into his boyfriend's arms, where he was picked up and spun around. "We won!" CJ cheered.
"You sure did, Angel." Ryan whispered still in CJ's arms. Ryan kissed CJ quickly. When CJ finally set Ryan down some of the guys on the team came over, "Hey CJ, we're going to Apple Bee's wanna come?" CJ looked at Ryan for an answer. Ryan winked and licked his lips in a teasing matter. Something which made CJ completely melt. "Uh- Nah. I think I'm gonna head home." CJ answered watching Ryan's every move. Ryan feeling statisfied with his result ran to the car.

Before Ryan could lock himself in the car CJ came up behind him and picked him up. It was dark, the parking lot was almost empty, so CJ thought why not.

He took Ryan, set him on the hood of his car so CJ was standing between his legs, and stared at him as he laughed. "CJ! What are you doing?!" Ryan giggled. CJ laid his forehead on Ryan's and whispered, "I love you, Kitten." Ryan stopped giggling, "I love you too." Then CJ kissed Ryan very passionately. The kissing only stopped when Ryan's phone went off. "Hello?" He asked out of breath. "Where are you boys? It's 11 o'clock!" The voice of his worried mother Avery asked. "Mom calm down, we're at the football game. We're about to come back." "Okay good!"

After Avery hung up the phone, the boys drove home in silence, they walked up CJ's driveway in silence, opened the door in silence, closed the door, and with one swift move Ryan was pinned against it with CJ's pale, soft lips against is cold, rough skin. Ryan couldn't speak, he had no words, so he tugged on CJ's short brown hair each time CJ left his mark.

CJ began saying, "Mine." trailing his lips up and down Ryan's neck. CJ pulled Ryan's shirt off but stopped looking up at the younger boy. Ryan looked down at CJ with self concious thoughts bubbling in his head. "Kitten, my beautiful Kitten, you are the definition of Beauty, stop worrying. I love your chest and I love you."

Ryan smiled grabbed CJ's hand and pulled him to the kitchen where he made CJ get on the counter.
It was Ryan's turn to play a game.
Ryan connected his lips with CJ's, hard. CJ responded with the same amount of force. After what felt like hours of doing that Ryan pulled away and CJ let out a moan in protest. It wasn't long before CJ's shirt was literally ripped off and curious hands were searching bodies. Lips were sore but still going.

Suddenly both boys wanted something from the other, something they both knew was important. They had talked about it before, they were to wait till marriage. But pants were being pulled off in the rush of things.

They were walking up the stairs, lips still connected, unbuttoning pants and throwing them off. Once the two all most naked boys reached CJ's bed, they realized the big mastake they were about to make and stopped. "We may have gone too far." CJ said breathlessly. "No, we went the right amount. Any further and we would have gone to far." Ryan said out of breath. CJ layed down on his bed and put his arms out. "Come on Kitten, let's go to sleep." Ryan happily jumped into CJ's arms and fell fast asleep.
Only that happiness didn't last very long. He was woken up by the yelling of CJ.

"I did not shove my dick up his ass!"

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