In the Crowd (Ken)

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Hey, guys! Sorry for not working on my other stories, but a co-writer and I have thought up a new story idea, and we're working together to write several stories based on the same characters, each in the POV of a different character. So please check out "In the Crowd (Tye)" by lonelysheep (Hence the dedication to her)! Anyway... Hope you enjoy this one! :)


Raito. Just the sound of my stage name would get every teenage girl squealing for Hourglass, a band my friends and I started as an after school activity. Eventually this so called “club” was turned into something more. Much more. We were a big hit; teenagers everywhere loved our music, and next thing I knew we were touring the country.

Our next stop was Seattle, Bailey’s hometown. He’d moved away when he was sixteen, and I could tell our manager was excited to be back, especially with his “new crew” (as he called us). We’d just arrived when Ace suddenly suggested, “Hey, why don’t we go to high school?”

“What?” said Tye, who had his pencil poised in mid-air; he was in the middle of writing a new song.

“I already graduated,” I said, pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose to keep them from slipping. I preferred them to the contacts that I wore while on stage, despite that they were kinda dorky.

“Well, not everybody’s a smart-ass like you.” Ace replied, shrugging. “Come on, we’re staying in Seattle for a while. School would be awesome. Hot chicks, parties, and all the attention!”

I smirked at him. I guess the popularity would’ve been nice... “Sure,” I agreed.

“Yeah!” Ace cheered, and held his fist out for a fist-bump. “What about you guys?”

“I’m in,” Griffin said.

“Tye? Nico?”

“Uhh, sure.” Nico agreed distractedly. His face was lost in a chip bag.

“Tye?” Ace pressed. “The rest of us are going.”

“I don’t know,” Tye said.

“Come on, Tye,” Griffin said, slapping him on the back. “Might as well have fun while we’re here, huh?”

“I’ll think about it.” He finally told us after a small pause.

“This is gonna be awesome,” Ace said excitedly.

“Not if you fail,” I nudged him with a grin.

“Shut up,” he laughed.

We talked to Bailey about our plan, and he agreed to it. We enrolled as seniors to Ingraham High School, and were to start classes the next week. Things were going to get interesting.

Our basic plan was set up for our time in Seattle. Students by day, and rock stars by night. Bailey was going to get us as many gigs as possible. On our first morning, we entered the school with Ace at the lead. Tye had ended up coming as well, and he trailed along behind me.

As expected, one voice called out loud and clear, “Hey, is that Ace from Hourglass? Oh my god, there’s Griffin and Nico! And Raito and TYE!!!” Just like that, girls were swarming around us, frantically asking for autographs. I quickly signed the crowd of papers and notebooks, a big grin spreading across my face. This was what I loved. Playing music and being known for who I was.

The girls retreated to their lockers, glancing at us often with curious eyes of wonder and excitement. I saw Ace wink at one girl, and she blushed madly. With a sigh, Tye peeled away from the attention, marching away to find his first class. I heard him mutter something like, “I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to this...”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2011 ⏰

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