The Inner

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To all of those who judge by mere pigment

Who’s eyes look

And find only the casing

Who simply see the browns’ and tans’ and golds’ and bronzes’

The outer shell instead of the inner layer

 I’m not going to take it

To those who glimpse the flash of deep coffee

And ignore the gleam of intelligence, passion, perseverance


Who slur ethnic terms

Testing the acrid taste

Before spitting them out like venom

 I’m not going to take it

To those who sneer at the slanted eyes

The jet black hair

The whirling pools of dark liquid irises

Whose malicious mirth

Vindictive isolationism

Causes fear and tears and pain

 I’m not going to take it

You who push and shove

Who use words like knives to spear

To degrade, to puncture, to wound

Who take pleasure in watching

Their spirit bleed away

Who jeers “You people

Like the words are almost as disgusting

As those they’re directed too

Color is just a refraction of light

A trick, an illusion

 I’m. Not. Going. To. Take. It.

 Would you?

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