Chapter 7:"Hope"

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"wow..last week...last FUCKING week..I can't even..and I knew yn ever since high school? I'm really fucked up..I am"Chresanto said rubbing his chin and grinning

"I'm sorry Chres"Jacob said in a soft tone

"you're sorry?"Chesanto asked in a pissed and frustrated tone swinging his arms down to his side"YOU'RE F*CKING SORRY FOR NOT TELLING ME ALL THIS SHIT I SHOULD'VE KNOWN COME NOW I EVEN HAVE MORE COMMON SENSE THAN YOU"

"Chres come on.."Jacob said as he reached out his arms

"No.I need to tell the"Chresanto said as he walked pass Jacob

"Rayan abuses yn and Jacob knows it...he fucking knows and he told Rayan knowing that he will beat her KNOWING HE WILL FUCKING BEAT HER UNTIL HE WANTED TO STOP...WHY JACOB WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?"

"I-I"Jacob stuttered

"you put her in danger and her child's life in danger...I wouldn't want her to end up like me..seperated from family and I knew nothing about them..."Chresanto said sitting down

"Chres-"Jacob got cut off Just sit the fuck down and wait to until we'll be able to see her.."Chresanto said as he laid dow side ways on the chair tightening the hoodie on his head.Jacob didn't say another word he was guilty as charged his eyes we blurred by tears and all he could do was wait until Chresanto was calm enough..and until the results came back 

2 hours has passed and the clock went onto 2;00 in the morning Chresanto still wouldn't speak to anybody, Mickie and Kammilah were snuggled up in a corner together with two big blankets surrounding them,Rayan was sitting on the floor fast asleep,Jacob was asleep aswell but he tossed and turned as the guilt took over,then ther was Craig he watched as everybody grew tired and noticed Chresanto..he stood out from everyone else he finally decided to talk to him.

"Hey,Chresanto.."He whispered as he walked over to Chresanto's section which was 4 seats away from the others

"huh? Who the hell are you?"Chresanto asked with an attitude still pissed from Jacob's confession

"I'm Craig..I'm like yn's older brother.."He said as he chuckled at his little remark trying to show he was friendly.Chresanto stared up at Craig for a while and sat up in his seat

"Hi,I'm Chresanto..apparently yn's ex"Chresanto said looking the other way ang gritting throung his teeth.

"Can I sit down next to you?"Craig asked pointing to the seat next to Chresanto's left side.

"yeah..sure."Chresanto said in a bland tone

"I'm a therapist..I can help you probably I can help you refresh some of your memory

"Sure you can"Chresanto said sarcastically

"oh i'm so serious"Craig said with a blank stare

"fine help me tell me why I can't remember anything"Chresanto said quietly

"you remember your adopted family..right?"Craig asked

"yeah.."Chresanto said

"BUT you don't remember anything before right?"Craig asked

"DUH"hresanto yelled in frustration

"sh, okay..wait a minute"Craig said as he tip toed of to the nurses desk while she was sleeping or dozing off he grabbed the key and signaled Chresanto to follow his lead they walked through the dimmed hallways and then made it to there destination.

"Why are we in the files room?"Chresanto asked

"to help you Chresanto to remember"Craig said softly

"okay"Chresanto said taking a deep breath he was nervous he didn't want to cry he always believed he was too strong for that even though he cried at the studio.

Craig looked through the  file cabinets in the C sections then he found Chresanto he grabbed the files and looked up at hresanto in amazment.

"Dude, you have TWO middle names?"Craig chuckled

"not funny...wait I do?"Chresanto said as he jogged over to Craig looking at the birth certificate

"Okay you went to Slopehill York...dude you were in New York!"

"I did?wait..."giggles and laughs flashed through his mind he saw himself in the car with his parents and brother oohing and ahhing in the car looking up at the big skyscrapers."I did...I remember! keep going Craig"

"then in Middle School you were in Mrs.Smith class,that's when you met yn!you went out until 9th grade..."

"she seemed familiar...she had shoulder length hair and she would always wear pants and her pretty white blouse...I remember her....YES so I didn't kiss a stranger I kissed my ex"Chresanto said happily

"Oh..I really shouldn't hear that much Chres I just met you..but I have a picture of you two awwe ya'll were so adorable"he handed the Sepia colored picture to Chresanto and it showed you and Chresanto holding hands and smiling really big Chresanto had a big purple bowtie and a black suit with black dress shoes his hair was greased up and pulled back into a low ponytail,and then you had a white fluffy dress with you hair tied in a high pony tail and lip gloss topped off your look the white high heels made you look taller than Chresanto it was a middle school prom.

""Chresanto chuckled as he examined the picture in amazement "what about my parents?"He quickly looked up as he saw the worried look on Craig's face

"um Chresanto..."Craig started he looked down sadly at the file.

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