I hate my life

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I got up this morning with a instant head ache. Maybe I shouldn't have stayed up video chatting and after that texting Mulan. She's such a cool person tho it was hard to say good night. I got up from my warm soft bed. I was tempted to just go back in it and just say I'm sick but I decided not to. I took a shower brushed my teeth and then put on some light wash high waisted shorts with a grey muscle shirt that had the avengers on it, and then I put on my grey high top converse. Hey what can I say I love fashion. I ran my finger through my already straight hair. Then I grabbed my book bag my keys and a apple then left the house. I decided I was going to drive to school today. Yesterday I walked because Julie was my ride and I couldn't find her anywhere. As I'm about to start my bmw convertible up I get a text. I knew it had to be Mulan. I smiled thinking about our conversation we had last night. "Good morning beautiful have a great day at school text me when u can! :)" she wrote. "Good morning to you to sunshine...I will text u during lunch...don't forget to walk wolf wolf!" I replied "ha! I won't" Mulan has a dog named wolf wolf and she tends to forget to walk her. I pulled into my parking spot at school. "Ok Kayla don't let their words hurt you and just remember the day would be over before you know it, plus you get to talk to Mulan later" I told myself before I got out my car. I sighed. Walking into the building was always the same, people would look at me and then start to whisper. The rumors are always stupid in my opinion. Last week someone said I slept with half the football team and the week before that was I was a adopted and was raised by wolfs. I mean like come on. I wonder what this week going to be like. I went straight to my best friend Julie locker and saw her talking to 3 other girls. "Hey Julie" she looked at me and rolled her eyes. Um what is that about I tapped her shoulder "what's wrong" "don't touch me lesbo" and with that she walked away with her new friends. With the fuck was that. Ugh after 6 years of being best friends she goes and blows me off. I feel my eyes start stinging. Fuck I'm going to cry. I usually don't cry when they bully me but that was my best friend. I went into the bathroom in a stall and cried like a big baby. I hate myself for being weak. I washed my face and then looked in the mirror. My eyes are puffy and my nose is red just fantastic. And the bell just rang now I'm late for class. I sighed and made my way to physics. As soon as I walked in the class all eyes were on me. Every single pair of eyes. "Why are you late ms.Esposito" gosh I hate my last name "uhh I had...to go to the bathroom" "ok well since your never late I will excuse you this time but don't let it happen again go and take a seat" "ok I won't" I walked to my seat with my head down "lesbo" someone coughed.this day is going to be super long.

Finally lunch is here. I need to get high. All day people have been calling me a lesbian. I didn't know I was that interesting for everyone to always look at my ask. I need to delete that account cause this is ridiculous. I went to McDonald's and just sat in my car and ate. I also went into my glove box and pulled out alittle piece of heaven called weed. I know your probably saying what the fuck your the good girl why are you smoking. well I was the good girl but bullying does things to people and I needed a stress reliever. I don't do it offen but only in a time of need, and today was surely a head ache. I texted Mulan to see if she was in class luckily she wasn't so I called her. I didn't tell Mulan about me smoking because its none of her business honestly and also because I don't want her to think low of me."heyyyyyy" she said "haha hey Mulan" "watcha eating" "McDonald's in my car...what are you eating" "a chicken sandwich under a tree" "haha why are you under a tree" "I dunno it's peaceful here under this beautiful tree...why are you in your car" "same reason it's peaceful too" "so how is school going" I sighed "ok I guess" "what happened" I told Mulan that I didn't tell anyone about me being bisexual. "Everyone found out about me being bisexual oh and my best friend blew me off for some new friends" "aw babe don't let that bitch and everyone else ruin your day" my stomach had butterflies when she called me babe. "I won't thanks for the talk I really needed that." "No problem plus you don't need her when you have me" I could basically hear the smile in her voice "your right...I have to get back to school but do you wanna video chat later" "I would love to...talk to you later and If you want to talk anytime just text me in class just try not to get caught" she laugh "I won't I'm a rebel they can't do anything to me" "haha ok" "bye" "adios" "your Japanese and your speaking Spanish" "hey I'm multi cultural" I smiled at her silly attitude. I threw my blunt out the window and sprayed some perfume on me and in my car as I made my way back to the prison I call school.

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