Part 1 (Getting out of the house and into the world)

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Getting out of the house and into the world:

It Monday when Mum realises I haven’t left the house all weekend.

“Maybe you should go out and do something. It is the holidays, there is plenty of jobs that are going which can get you out of the house. Perhaps you could meet some new friends, since you don’t like the people you hang around with now. There are more kids out there than just in your school you know. Plus, I am sick of you hanging around all day eating junk and not doing anything useful. Wouldn’t you like spare cash to spend?”

“Where am I supposed to spend it? At the crappy shops here? Um... I don’t think so.”

“Well you could save it. Save up to move out of this so called, ‘crap hole’. Get a job then we will figure out what to do with the money you make afterwards.”

Without a reply I leave the house in my old baseball type shirt and denim shorts, my purse in one hand my phone in the other. Perhaps a job wouldn’t be too bad. I do get kind of bored lounging around all day. Yesterday, all I did was organise my room and talk to some people on Tumblr. I talked to Cooper a few times, just talking about our common music interests and our love of caramel food.

I spend the day filling out applications at any local shops I could find, asking if they have positions, giving them my phone number, and seeing the sunlight that I hate so much. While I was at my last place I grabbed an ice-cream from a parlour and headed down to the pier. The seats available were covered in bird poo and were quiet hard but I found an empty spot that would do for the moment.

The view was magnificent; I wish I had brought my camera. As I listen to the many waves crash against the pillars, the men boast about their catch of the day, and the kids running up and down the jetty with their mothers yelling at them I pull out my phone. Yes, even out in the beautiful fresh air I feel the need to check my social networking sites.

An icon showed that I had a missed message:

“Hey there, how’s your day going?”

I let a light smile slip onto my face at the fact that a stranger on the internet wants to know how my day is going. My mum obviously didn’t teach me very well with that rule about not talking to strangers, that’s for sure.

“I am fine, been job hunting due to my mums request all day. Now I am enjoying a watermelon sorbet on the pier.”

Waiting for a reply I look back onto the beach where a pelican is looking for its next meal, it has spotted some weird old man who is munching on a burger. Good luck mate.

“Pier? Where do you live, then? Also, a watermelon sorbet sounds delicious, is it?”

“Oh it is yum. I live in Australia, how about you?”

“I live in Aus too!”

“That is pretty cool. What state, if you don’t mind me asking? I live in Victoria.”

“Oh really? It’s fine, I live in Western Australia! So far away! How cool would it be if we actually lived right next to each other, and didn’t even know it.”

I let a laugh out. That would be cool, but no, I have annoying neighbours whose cat is always in our driveway.

“That would be an amazing thing. Want to play a game?”

“Yeah sure,” Cooper replies to me. Now I just have to think of a game. Whoops.

“How about a game of twenty questions to get to know each other better?”

“Sounds good to me, you go first,” he sent back with a wink face. Dammit, I wanted him to go first.

“Lets start simple then. What is your favourite colour?”

“Orange, and yours?”

“I like most colours,” I sent with a smile, “they are all pretty.”

“But you have to have a favourite? Comeon Mia, you have to!”

“I really don’t, though. I am the worst when given choices.”

“I know what you mean,” Cooper sent back with a laugh. “My turn, I suppose. Do you play any sport? I do jujitsu. It is pretty cool.”

“Oh wow, isn’t that dangerous or something? I use to play netball. But we moved… I wasn’t very good at it anyway. Maybe I should try something new. Do you have any suggestions?”

“Nah, its safe enough haha, aren’t all sports dangerous in ways? You live on a beach? Maybe try some beach volleyball. That would be cool. You would get the attention on many boys.”

“Haha perhaps, that actually sounds like a good idea… I could even get a great tan from that,” I sent back with a wink. Hmm… Volleyball. Not a bad idea. “How many siblings do you have, if any?”

“Oh, I actually have two brothers. Ian 21 and Aiden 10, I am 16. My parent’s apparently didn’t even try to space us out that evenly, just happened I suppose. And you?”

“That is a very strange! My brother, Mason, is 4 and I am 16... I will be 17 next month.”

“Oh wow that’s exciting! I just turned 16 in January, didn’t do anything too exciting for it,” Cooper said messaging me back.

As I looked up from my phone I noticed it was getting dark, better head back home otherwise mum would probably yell at me for spending the whole day out, even though that is what she told me to do.

“Hey, sorry but I have to go as it is getting dark and I would probably get lost if I don’t pay attention while walking home. Talk to you later?”

“Sure thing Mia. Have a great night.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2013 ⏰

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