Chapter 6

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Dear Fans and Readers,

 Let me know what you think. Open to any and all suggestions. This chapter is a little shorter than usual because I have felt under the weather but I wanted to give you something. Thanks so much for reading. 

Ani :)

Dear Diary                                           Sept. 12, 2011   

It’s been a week since we left the compound. School was just as I left it, unless you count Liam rearranging our schedules to match. Adrian at least made an effort on her part to ‘pretend’ to like me. Liam forced me to sit with him at lunch every day and the seating charts mysteriously got changed so I sat with him in class as well.

I tried out for the track team. My previous time was somehow erased from the records, so I made sure to pace myself. Liam decided not to let me join however. He said it would cut in to my training time and I couldn’t afford it.

It’s weird being back in the Huffman’s house without them. I still can’t believe what happened. They were such good people and now they’re gone. Liam made sure that a will was drawn up showing me as their only benefactor. The house and everything in it belongs to me now.

Alanna!” I hear Liam shouting from downstairs.

God, can’t I have a moment’s peace? I guess I’ll have to write the rest of this down later. Time to go do some more training.

“Alanna, let’s go. I’d like to get some sleep tonight.” I see Liam tapping his foot impatiently staring out the front door. Deciding this is as good a place as any, I leap over the banister and land exactly where he…was? “Nice try Red. Now meet me in the kitchen.”

“Were you even there?” I ask skeptically as I enter the room. Liam just smiles and shakes his head.

“We’re working on flashing tonight.” He smiles devilishly and I know exactly what just went through his mind.

“There is no way I am lifting my shirt…” I start to berate but he flashes behind me.

“Whoa, I never said anything about that. Get your mind out of the gutter Red, unless you’d like to go there.” He teases gently while reaching around me to grab an apple. His chest brushes against my back and I can feel his breath on my neck. I try to keep the memories of what my uncle did to me from emerging, but I can’t. The flash back begins and I curl around myself on the ground.

“How many times Ali? How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from those bulls? It’s not right how you mend so quick. It’s the devils work, but don’t worry baby.” Uncle Paul strokes a finger down my tear streaked face. I’m tied to a table in the barn, “I’ll drive that devil out of ya. Brought me some help this time. This is Malcolm. He knows a thing or two about getting rid of demons. We’re gonna drive it out together hun.” Malcolm draws a circle around me and starts chanting. He watches as Uncle Paul forces himself on me.

When Uncle Paul is finished, he tells him that he did it wrong and to watch him. He unties one of my legs and ties it to the other one bending me into a fetal position. I cry and cry trying to scream through a sock they shoved in my mouth.

As the flashback ends, I feel Liam holding me from behind. I can hear his velvety voice trying to soothe me. “It’s alright Lanna. I got you. I promise I won’t let them hurt you.”

Something occurs to me in that same moment. I remember something that I didn’t remember before. Malcolm said something to me that my uncle couldn’t hear. He said, “It’s alright baby reaper. I don’t kill fledglings. But one day, I’ll come back for you. I’ll let you choose, you can be mine or you can die.”

                “Liam, if you value your package, I would get away from her. She’s got that look again. You know the one that says I’m gonna nail you in the groin.” Adrian sings from the kitchen doorway.

                “Oh God!” I sob. I try to get off of the floor but Liam won’t let go. “Just let go. They’re coming back for me.”

                “Who Lanna? Who’s coming back for you?” Liam rolls me towards him and desperately searches my eyes for answers.

                “The demons.” At that very moment, I realized exactly how much Liam could care. He didn’t drag me off of the floor to go do our training. He didn’t make me tell him more. He didn’t laugh at me and call me a freak. No, instead he did the one thing that undid me. He pulled my head to his chest and held me there. He held me like my mother used to.

                “Adrian, get Rem. I think we need to talk.” Liam whispers above my hair. I remember crying into his chest and he lifted me up and carried me back to my room. He didn’t ask if I was okay. God knows if he did, I’d have kicked him for sure. “Alanna, I know it’s hard. I know you went through a lot, but Remiel’s going to need to know more. I will be right here, if you want.”

                “Will you see what he does?” I ask quietly. I know that’s not what happened before. I can’t imagine anyone knowing that stuff about me. I don’t know if I could function with him knowing.

                “The only way that I’ll know anything about you is if you tell me Alanna. I’m not going to go and ask Remiel to betray your trust. If you want me to know, you’ll tell me.” Liam starts to get off of the bed looking a little disappointed.

                “Liam wait.” I grab his arm before he could flash away. “I…I’d kinda like it if you just…you know, sat with me.” I look down at where my hand was holding his wrist and immediately released it looking away. God I felt needy.

                “If you want me to stay, I’ll stay. But don’t think that this gets you out of your training for more than one night.” I look at him to see he has a smile plastered on his face. He’s trying to lighten the mood I guess. I manage a faint smile in return and Liam sits back down beside me.

                Remiel appears by my window and immediately begins pacing. “I hope this is important. I…ah, Alanna, is there a problem.” He looks me up and down.

                Liam looks at me and then back to Remiel, “I think she’s remembering more about her past. She had another meltdown in the kitchen.”

                “You’re right to call me then. Alanna, do you remember what I did before?” Rem asks calmly.

                “Yeah, you opened my mind. I don’t remember most of it though.” I tighten my grip on Liam as I remember the flood of memories from last time. But as my fingers close in a death grip, Liam caresses them softly with his thumb. I look up to see him staring at me.

                “I will begin then.” Rem places his hand on my forehead and the flood begins. But somehow, with Liam as my anchor, it’s not as painful. “This is good. She’s become attached to you. She is remembering a particular instance. She has encountered the demon before. He threatened her.” Rem flashes away from me so quickly I thought he was gone. “By all that is holy, they didn’t? But you remember it as if it were only yesterday.”

                “Remiel. I thought you couldn’t break off during a scan without endangering her mind.” I can hear Liam’s voice, filled with fear. But I can’t seem to speak myself. “Lanna?”

                Liam? I know that it didn’t come out of my mouth, so I try again. Liam? Remiel? Why can’t I talk? What’s happening?

                “Calm yourself Lanna.” Remiel places his hand to my forehead and I feel a scream erupt from my throat. As fast as my vocal cords began working, they were suddenly relaxed, “I am sorry for that. The images were just…I am not permitted to watch these things. Only Michael may view those memories. They performed a ritual forbidding my sight. I am sure that Michael will want to see you soon but I think you should rest for now. Liam, stay with her.” I look at Remiel before he can disappear and see the disgust in his face. He knows.

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