A New Inuzuka Clan Members

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Hey there guy here a new story of A Inuzuka New Princess. I hope you like it and please ask a question about the story and about the Photo is Naruko Family heirloom if the have a problem with one of my story just as ok I can handle the truth ok and let all of us Aka The Hunter Family( if you are a follower ) And Hunter Friends (All Other people who just read one of my book ) This exciting and epic Adventure of the a Inuzuka Princess


You're got to start thinking about contacting plansm, Minato" Hiruzen Sarutobi sat in his fromer office, enjoying the view from the opponent side of the Chair for once. Season in a non-descript black shirt and pamts, Carrie no weapons pouch the tan and wrinkled old man took a pull on his pipe.

"We don't know if there will be an attack or not, and if there is you may need to make it ultimate sacrifice to refill the Fox" Old man voice was grave as his face the newly minted Fourth Hokage, leader of Konoha. a large white center cover the man front, flame dancing at the sleeve edge and bottom line. A white head of hair was particularly hidden by the pyramid hat marking his station. Blue eyes, and White Fang Marks on his face, uncharacteristically filled with worry, gazed through the white hair, piercing Sarutobi wherected he sat.

"you're right but I'm quite sure what I should plan for...." Sarutobi smile at Minato response. while the boy was indeed gifted and a a powerful shinobe, he could sometime be a little bit of heard of a worst situation.

"Plan for the worst, as always... If you and Kushina were to die in an attack, how would the Demon Fox can be sealed? And if your child wad born, and you had to make him or her the jinchūriki for the Nine tailed fox, withyour and Kushina likely passing, hown would you safeguard your child poroper raising?" Minato seemed to stiffen a bit and smile a bit at the Sarutobi questions. 'I guess he really hasn't planned all out but just some of it'

Sighting, the Fourth Hokage truned in his chair and looked out over his village. 'I have a few months to get something ready, and Sarutobi is right.. I know how to help her...I knowit a girl because I can feel it ok back to main reason... out if the village don't following my wish for makeeping I'm little girl a heroine... If that happened I know that I need to put the seal that Kushina-Hime and Tsum-chan was working on in their own personal trainer ground and place on her family heirloom and I think I'll need to meet with some of the clan heads and Fire lord and Jiraiya and Tsunade . They will not like my plan....hell even Tsum-chan won't like it and killed me before this happens....but they should go though with it if suggest it ahead of time and support Tsum-chan if something bad happens like the civilians council stop her or the elder have a different ideas.' Minato truned, and gave a big smile to his long-time friend and kind of like grandfather to him." I think I have a answer to that, but I'm going to have keep it under wraps..l'll let you know if the worst is to happen but one fair warning if something did happen to me and Kushina, can you aND your clan or family support her if someone happened on a council meetings, can you do that for us?"

"Ok and I will do that if something happens and support her at a council meetings. That's is at It should happen. I'm looking for a long retirement , and I hope that my advice, in matters such as this, can help make it a permanent one." Sarutobi nodded as he stood and left the office. 'With any luck, I can get home to my painting now.....Ah the joys of retirement, nothing but painting and long morning naps..'


Several Months Later, October 11th
At Konoha At After The Kyuubi , At Konoha Council Meeting Room

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