Iphone 4S - My thoughts

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Technology is just crazy these days, Now we got this new Iphone 4S that talks. I tell ya, I remember when the Ipod came out. Yeah remember that big clunky thing that held your music, there was no other like it. Then the 1st Iphone OMG it was like touch screen and glass and sleek. (Now that’s so yesterday)  I honestly thought to myself, ‘HA! Suckers now they won’t come up with anything else that’s even cooler then touch screen.’ Unless they make it all out of glass or holograms pop out or something... (Still waiting for that by the way) But of course Apple has done it again! (Damn them!) This phone not only talks back to you but UNDERSTANDS... Oh my word the Apocalypse is upon us. Everyone run!!! ….

You know those movies like the Matrix, Tron, and that other one with Shia Labeouf in it (he is hawt!) and also IRobot... It just makes me think like wow... WE are seriously about to enter a time where flying cars, holograms, robots and other things to "help" humans advance will truly exist...But I'm also worried. Will this also be our down fall?

WE as humans are getting all this wonderful help from technology that we are not using our brains as much. If computers do take over, I wouldn't blame them at this point we are, year by year, using our brains less and less. And of course I mean who ever makes these wonderful technologies i mean of course they have brains, but for the normal people out there who are constantly using all these things, are they truly benefiting us... like REALLY benefiting us in the long run

Hearing about the long awaited Iphone 5...and now seeing that Iphone 4S I'm scared, I don't want to lose my brain. -Hugs her head tightly- I don't want the robots to take over. I don't want human kind to just forget about good ol' Mother Nature....

hmm.... Is the world we live in Just beginning... or coming to an end?

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