No title yet but please read anyway chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

I ran until I reached a forest about a mile away from the castle. The ground was still damp and the leaves were slippery. I walked carefully, gliding through the trees without making a noise. It was dark since the sun had set hours ago and the moon had not yet risen. I could see fine in the dark though so I wasn't worried.

I walked for another hour until I reached a large mountain riddled with caves. I started to climb it and immediately found a cave where I could spend the night safely. It had a small entrance but then opened up into an enormous cavern.

There were stalagmites rising from the ground and stalactites hanging from the ceiling, some of them were so large that they joined and formed pillars from floor to ceiling. There was even a pond with a small waterfall running into it from a hole in the wall.

The first thing I did was to taste the water and discover that it was cold and clean. As long as I stayed here I'd have a source of fresh water at least.

I explored the cavern, climbing over loose rocks and stalagmites, while ducking under stalactites and walking around pillars. I found that the cavern was illuminated by some strange glowing fungus that covered the walls and ceiling and even some of the stalactites and reflected from the water.

I found a ledge a few feet from the ground that was completely flat and stuck out from the wall about nine feet. I tossed my bag of stuff up onto the ledge then found a way to get myself up there. When I got up I found that there was a niche carved into the wall at a level with the ledge. It was the first sign I had found that this cave had ever been found by other humans.

I pulled out the fur I had grabbed from the bed then shoved my bag into the niche and wrapped myself up in the blanket to sleep.


I was back in the Land of the Unforgiven, standing on the island facing the man/being who claimed to be my father.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"As I told you already, I am your father. My name is Erebus."

"I am-"

"You, my daughter are known as Aglæca. Correct?"

I nodded.

"What are you?"

"I am the eternal tormentor, ruler of the damned, Lord of the Unforgiven."

I gaped at him. If he was my father then that made me some sort of half demon princess.

"What does that make me, then?"

"You, my dear are a half-demon, someone born from a human mother and demon father."

"But what does that mean?"

"It means that you are immortal, you cannot be killed by blade or poison, you heal seven times faster than a human would, you are stronger and faster than any human and you are drawn to suffering and death. Some half-demons have lesser versions of their father's powers as well."

"What is your power?"

"I control-"

*End Dream*

I was awoken by a sharp sound. I lay still listening for other noises and heard someone stumble on a rock and curse loudly.

"Shut it numb skull, you don't want them to hear you," whispered someone harshly.

"I almost walked into a stalagmite," came another voice, "why can't we light a torch?"

"I said shut it," hissed the first voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2009 ⏰

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No title yet but please read anyway chapter 9Where stories live. Discover now