Chapter 16

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Rose was relieved, to say the least, to be back on the TARDIS.  Despite the Doctor's efforts to cure her the night before, she still felt sore where her wounds had been and had a headache for the ages.  The TARDIS gave her a sad hum and she patted the wall as she headed down the corridor.  It seemed the ship itself was worried for Rose's well being.  

She couldn't be bothered to keep the clothes she'd been wearing.  No amount of washing would salvage them enough for her to want to wear them again, or even to put them in the wardrobe room.  That room was reserved for lovely things, after all, and there was something less than lovely about being tortured and in a jail cell.  

Sighing, she sat down on the edge of her bed, taking a bit of a breather.  She hated that the Doctor blamed himself for everything that happened to her.  Didn't he know that she'd chosen this life, that she wanted it?  It was hardly about the adventures anymore, though, she had to admit.  It was more who she was sharing the adventures with, and how much she loved him. 

Rose shook herself and stood up from the bed.  She gathered up some clothes and carried them to her en suite.  It was going to be a long day, and it was really only just beginning.  There was still work to be done. 

Out in the console room, the Doctor and Jack were examining the time line of the Emperor to see how far he got with his plans.  The Doctor pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a shuddering sigh.  If he didn't do something, if they didn't do something, than planet Earth was doomed.  From there it would be a very simple domino effect until the universe was on the verge of crumbling.

"I don't understand," Jack said, his tone puzzled.  "It was never like this when I was there before.  How could this have happened?"

"Time is in flux, Jack, you of all people should know that," the Doctor replied, "And unfortunately, it's fluctuating rather greatly right now."

Jack sighed and fell into the jump seat.   "Okay, listen. We need to fix it.  How would we fix it?"  He sounded anxious, and the Doctor tried not to let his upset get to him.  He needed to be level-headed for all of them, especially Rose.  Especially Rose. 

He carded his hand through his hair.  "I don't know, yet," he said, "I'm going to find out."

"I know you will," Jack said, "But what are we going to tell Rose when she gets back here?"

The Doctor paused and opened his mouth before shutting it again and making a frustrated noise.  "I don't know what I'm going to tell Rose."

"She's going to think you know the answer."

"Well, I'm trying to find the answer.  And by the way, Jack, you seem to be awfully obsessed with Rose these days," he felt his voice getting louder and angrier.  Jack didn't flinch.

"So are you."

The Doctor slammed his fist on the console. "Damn it, Jack! That's not what this is about."

"It is and you know it," Jack snapped. "It is always about her, whether you like it or not."

"What's more important," Jack started, stating it more than asking, "Sitting in the Vortex and staring at fluctuating time or Rose Tyler?"

The Doctor's jaw clenched and he looked away, giving Jack a very clear answer as to what was more important to the Doctor.  Not that he really needed an answer, he knew it full well without asking.  He only wished that Rose knew, too.

Jack watched as the Doctor rushed around the console, flipping levers and typing in codes as he murmured to himself.  Jack and the Doctor both felt a panicked hum in the back of their minds, but the Doctor understood it more clearly.  He stiffened.  

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