5. He Was Just A Side Character Anyways

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You need side characters. Your main character needs friends, less close friends, enemies, and acquaintances--these are what guide them through the plot.

These characters should be as detailed as your main character. Here's why:

"Mesa! It's so good to see you!" Cactus said, running up to meet the SandWing who had been his childhood friend.

"It's good to see you too!" Mesa squealed excitedly.

Now imagine no further development happens there. Mesa is Cactus's childhood friend, she seems kinda nice, has no backstory at all, and no notable personality traits. Then this happens:

The SkyWing twisted Mesa's neck and threw her to the ground, leaving the horrible snap to echo in Cactus's ears as he rushed forward to cradle his friend.

"Mesa! Please don't be dead, please!"

There was no response. Mesa had gone still and cold--no breath moved through her body.

Oh no, Mesa's dead. You care because Cactus is sad, but did you really care about Mesa that much? No, probably not. The death only really has an impact on the readers because Cactus spends the next chapter or so grieving. In the end, they don't really miss Mesa. She's dead, you're sad for like a chapter, the end.

You have to think about your side characters like you think about your main character. They need personality. They need backstory. You need at least a couple characters your readers like as much (if not in some cases more than) your main character.

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