Summer ☂ Showers

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S U M M E R  ☂  S H O W E R S

          It was then as she sat staring out to sea, watching the waves pull forward and backward, that Abigail realized where she was. The day was warm but the breeze sent droplets of water hurtling toward her; salty like winter. Her heart was so soft, so light that she could barely tell where its beat had disappeared to. For the first time in her life, she felt okay and alive.

          It was then that the sweet girl fully realized where she had come from. That there were better things, and lovelier people to meet. That there were places where the sky didn't meet the horizon and the sea was upside down and the ground smelled of coffee and donuts and all the grass was green. That a being carried constellations and mountains of tragic creatures within them.

          It was then, staring at the white hinterland of the beach, that Abigail realized she had died.

          And the air smelled of green tea and cotton candy,

          And summer showers.


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