Beginning: Rude

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"MASTER BURGLAR!!" A familiar, gruff voice erupts in my ears, waking my body up with a rough jolt.

I quickly sit up, rubbing my eyes and looking around irritated, "What!?" Anger fills me as I hear chuckles scatter among the dwarves, all staring at me.

Thorin pushes through the group, only to give my a disapproving glare, causing me to straighten up. "It's about time you have awoken." He just turns away, walking up to Balin and putting a big hand on his shoulder, whispering something I cannot hear. Then turning around once again, only to call out, "WE LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!"

I groan, flopping back on the ground. I miss my bed. And my tea. And my pipe, oh my pipe. My dear old friend. The rolling hills of the Shire.. The cheap ale and good times. The annoying relatives and pesky neighbor's pigs, that I had always thought were quite annoying, but know take comfort to the memories.

 I hear the group step around me as I just lay there, dreading every moment. I hear thudding footsteps come towards me and stop inches from me, curiosity got the best of me and I glance up, only to see Thorin staring down at me.

"Get up, Mister Baggins. Before I am forced to tie you up and drag you with us." He stares down, obviously annoyed. It makes my ears turn red with anger. But I force myself up and grab my pack, heading towards the ponies.

'Thank god for these majestic ponies, or I'd go-'

"Release the ponies!! We head up the mountain on foot!"

I stomp my foot on the ground, turning to Thorin and marching up to him. My ears bright red with anger and annoyance, I put my hands defiantly on my sides as  I glared up at him, "You sir, are utterly insane!!"

This caused him to come closer, earning the attention of the other dwarves. They watched with uncertainty. Balin tries to open his mouth but Thorin raises his hand slightly, hushing him. This was when I started to get terribly nervous.  I thought he was going to go bonkers!

He just raised an eyebrow, as if amused. "Brave today, Master Burglar?"

I continued on, regaining my confidence and scoffing. "Yes. Yes I most certainly am. I am also tired, cold and sore, and hungry. Not to mention being so rudely awoken! So yes, Thorin. I am brave today."

Thorin didn't say anything, but a smile crept across his face.

"Get ready, Halfling. We leave soon, and have a long day of walking ahead." And with that, he pats my head and walks away. Just walks away!!

'Damn Dwarves. So ignorant.' I think as my self-conscious scolds me for ever signing that damned contract.

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