My Bother's Bad Boy Best Friend -bookin_it

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This is one of my favorite books, BUT the auhor is currently unsure of continuing it. :(

This book is not yet  near completed or done, but it's an amazing book to read. This is the legend of My Brother's Bad Boy Best Friend....



Jazz is seventeen and on her way back home. She's been off traveling the world for a whole year and is excited to finally be back home with her parents and brother. The only thing she's not excited about is seeing her brother's bad boy, baseball playing best friend Asher who's tormented her for years.

But things are different now. Jazz has grown up a lot and finally has the courage to stand up to Asher. But Jazz isn't the only one who's changed. Asher's found a whole new way to torment Jazz. And it's going to throw them both into a game of attraction and love that neither of them ever expected.


Written by: Bookin_it

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