Chapter 9: Lu's confession

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We drove for a long time. Qiao made a lot of sudden turns and drove through a lot of weird places, like a parking garage and through a park. Nobody seemed to follow us, but it was hard to tell in the dark.

Finally we parked in the back of a parking lot behind a load of other cars. Then Qiao, Lu and I left the car and walked five blocks, mostly through alleys between buildings. Nobody followed us.

"It's the government," I said. "They'll find us sooner or later."

"Not us," said Lu. She insisted on walking beside me, her stump of a right arm facing me and her good left arm facing out. Qiao strode ahead of us, head down and shoulders hunched.

"Well, yeah," I said, "you guys can go home whenever. I'm kind of stuck here."

Lu shot me a sidelong look. "No. We're here because of Jia-Li. As long as she is here, we are here."

"So, are you trying to assassinate her?" I asked. The idea amused the heck out of me.

"No." Lu tapped her temple. "I listen to machines. Telephone wires. Wireless signals. I tell Qiao and he tells our elders."

I forgot Lu had to have a power. And now I had it, too! I eagerly looked around at the fences on either side of us and the streetlights in the distance. "You can pick up radio signals? How do you do it?"

Lu looked away. "It is not difficult. Once you are hidden, I must spend tonight listening. Jia-Li will move soon, especially now that she believes you lost."

We emerged from the alley on a quiet little street. There were houses on one side and a string of commercial buildings on the other, almost a strip mall, but smaller. Qiao led us into this little mall. One of the buildings was made up like a Chinese restaurant--red shutters, gold-painted dragons, a sort of pagoda-overhang.

"We picking up some orange chicken and chow mein?" I said, grinning.

"Fool," Qiao spat. "This is a temple to Yesu Jidu. It is the only safe haven left on this world." He opened the door and stepped in.

I followed him and smacked into an invisible wall. I reeled backward and crashed into Lu, who barely saved both of us from falling onto the asphalt.

Qiao stopped in the doorway, staring at us.

Lu straightened and cast me a pitying look. "Qiao, he cannot cross the threshold. It is sacred ground."

Yet more perks to being a vampire. Being supernaturally excluded from safe havens.

Qiao frowned and hid a grin at the same time. I could tell he was meanly glad I couldn't come in, but that meant more problems for him. "Go to the back door," he said, jerking his head sideways. "He should be able to enter the living quarters." He closed the door softly.

Lu hurried me through the parking lot and around the back of the strip mall, to the inevitable alley. And Lu and I were alone. My heart suddenly beat hard and my chest felt tight. "Lu," I murmured.

She looked at me, apprehensive and pitying.

"Thanks. For--you know, letting me feed and all. And for rescuing me. You don't owe me anything, you know."

Lu stopped and bowed her head. After a moment she straightened and drew a deep breath. "Dalton, I like you. I do not like vampires. This has been difficult. You serve Jia-Li and endanger us all, but--" She broke off and gripped her stump in her opposite hand, as if trying to cross her arms. "Had you not been a vampire, I think I could had loved you."

She hurried off down the alley, leaving me standing there, as stunned as if she'd just walloped me. I could see a crush, but straight into love? This was heavy duty stuff. And because I was a vampire, it was all ruined? I jogged after her. "But--wait! Even if I was normal, I'd still be human, and you're ... what you are."

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