Part 2

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The boy leads Caden to the entrance of the throne room.

As they are about to enter the large decaden room two guards rush to one another's side both wearing common silver armor and wielding long swords and spears. bumping each other's shoulder plates, they make a high pitch ring, blocking Caden and the boys entry. The boy stops suddenly to avoid running in to the guards, only to be bumped in to them by Caden of whom was not paying attention to anything but his muffled thoughts.

Caden looks up quickly "what's the meaning of this?" He demands as he shoves the boy to the side and stairs down both the guards who are both significantly shorter than him. They both swallow nervously but stand their ground "we are under strict orders from the king not to allow you in this room.

Two hands touch the back of the men's shoulders as a still, calm, but at the same time strict, and fierce voice begins to speak"boys I believe you will find those orders mute in a matter of time. As of this moment my orders override any order of the kings due to an urgent family matter"

both men turn around and bow their head to the pope who stands before them in a white dress and a red cloak along with a large cross he wears around his neck

"yes your excellency" they say in sync

"leave us" the pope says. And they do, along with everyone else in the room.

Caden waves the boy away "thank you boy" he says. The boy bows his head and walks away in a hurry

Caden turns to the pope and bows his head. the pope offers his hand and Caden takes it and kisses his large golden ring inscribed with a large sapphire stone and many different beautiful designs"pope Norman. How are you this afternoon?" Caden asks releasing his hand .

"Not well I must confess, but better than most."

Caden glares at the pope, confused. "Whats the matter? No big news has found this kingdom in over a month surely it cannot be that bad or I would have heard of it"

the pope stairs at Caden for a few moments "it's about your mother and father" Caden raises his chin knowing it must be something bad " has something happened?" He says as all the worst thoughts flood in to his head.

"I'm afraid so" the pope replies.

It takes everything Caden has to keep himself up right and thinking straight. "What?" He asks calmly "are they d-" he chokes on the word"are they d- dead? That is the only reason you would be standing before me today" He says choking on every other work and speaking as if the next one would send him in to a sea of his own tears.

"I wanted you to hear it from me." The pope explains "there was a massacre at the United kingdoms conference on the 23rd day of December"

"This was over a week ago" Caden says grabbing the nearest chair "why did I not hear of this sooner?" He asks as he covers his face with a white handkerchief he found in his pocket

"I visited four other kingdoms before I came upon this one. I got here as fast as I could but everyone at the conference was diciest and I had to tell everyone."

Caden folds the now damped handkerchief and puts it back in his pocket as the pope places a hand on Caden's shoulder "I give my sincere apologies."

"Whose next?" Caden asks directly

"What?" The pope asked confused

"Who must next hear this dreadful news?" Caden demands as he stands stoutly attempting to find any way to avoid his feelings

"My next stop is the Woodard kingdom" the pope explains "I must tell Braden Woodard next"

Silence fills the room for several moments until cut off by Caden "Braden is my close friend. I will come with you to comfo-" Caden is cut short by the loud foot steps that fill the rooms pockets of silence. Caden turns around to find his brother walking through the entrance columns of the room. "Landon?" I thought you were on an extended trip with Uncel?"

Landon opens his mouth to talk but is cut off by another, very low voice coming round the corner. Appearing behind Landon, a man "it was cut short by bad weather" he explains Caden's frown turns to a smile as he goes to hug his brother and Uncel

"uncle James. How are you?"

His Uncel pulls away from his nephew and holds him by the shoulder "never mind me. You look like shit. What has happened?"

Cameron's face falls to a frown once more as he turns to the pope. "Would you mind explaining it sir, I'm afraid I might not be able to."

"Say no more" the pope says as he begins to explain what happened

James asks many questions like "who did this, and what kingdom were they from, and why they pick this meeting out of all the rest" all of which go unanswered.

After about twenty minutes of sorting emotions and talking about funerals Pope Norman takes Caden's arm and escorts him out

"Where are you going your excellency ?" James asks

Pope Norman turns around and explains that they will be going to the Woodard house to tell Braden Woodard about her parents"

The character at the top is Brae, her wings are not going to be a feathery. That the only picture that worked. Hope you like this chapter

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