Let's make a video game!

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So, if you haven't read the description... Please read. :)

Have you read it?


Now answer this question: would you like to help make this video game?

Continue reading.

Go spend your life elsewhere.

Now, on the chapter titled Suggestions, comment about what you think should be in the game.

Now, since this is the beginning and I won't be able to regulate this for a little over a month:
1) Don't be douche bags to each other.  If you do I will not credit you for your contributions directly.
2) Stick with it.  I would love to see tons of comments and thoughts from you all.
3) Please remember that I am completely new at Unity and Unreal Engine and it will take me a while to get used to them, but whatever tips and tricks you can give will help.
4) If you want to help more directly - modeling, texturing, animation, voicing - go right ahead and tell me.  I'd love to make friends from this community and what better way than working on a project together?

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