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The coffee in her mug looked to her much like the static on an old TV. Distracting yet fascinating, something that she could allow herself to stare at with wonder all day long, trying to figure out everything but nothing; exactly how her beautiful little life had been seeming. Like everything, but also like nothing.

Sighing, Scarlett finally looked back up, realising just how morbid her thoughts were slowly starting to become. Shaking her head, she lifted the maroon coloured mug to her lips, cringing slightly at the bitterness that crept into her tongue and spread around her mouth instantly. It seemed that certain things were better to look at than have.

From across her, Sasha let out a chuckle, her bright hair appearing more vibrant over her white top. "I told you to add sugar."

Scarlett jokingly rolled her eyes at the statement. "Not everyone's as incredibly crazy about coffee as you."

Sasha shrugged, a smile playing at her lips, "The Boss needs an obsession too." She wiggled her eyebrows at the brunette across from her before continuing, "I feel like we need to upgrade our coffee timings. Three p.m is not good enough."

Scarlett gave her a glare. "How early do you want us to wake up? You only let me sleep at four in the morning."

"You gotta keep up with all of this!" The young woman gestured to herself, letting out a laugh when Scarlett scrunched up her nose in mock-disgust.

Looking down once again inside the cup of disgraceful coffee, she slumped her shoulders. "I'm so not in the mood for today," she muttered, wanting nothing more than to get back into her warm bed and hug herself back to sleep. Going to work was the last thing on her mind, and so was seeing all of those dreaded people. Scarlett was the type that preferred to work alone and without anyone poking her shoulder repeatedly with counter ideas each and every single minute. But of course, Scarlett being herself, all of her ideas were waved aside easily, leaving her to question her position on a daily basis.

"Speaking of, what match are you putting me in tonight?"

At that, a frown formed on Scarlett's lips, remembering the disagreement she had had with her sister just a few short nights ago about how Scarlett had been giving Divas too much time on shows. "I don't know, Steph and I haven't agreed on anything."

"Oh gosh," Sasha threw her head back in annoyance, "the two of you need to settle your issues. It's messing with your work."

Hearing that, Scarlett scoffed, a suffocating feeling suddenly creeping up her chest, threatening to swallow her whole. She was not the type to speak of her problems out loud, even if she had known Sasha for years. "They're all out to ruin my life," she huffed, her smile as apprehensive as her tone.

Being a member of the infamous yet prestigious McMahon family came with more downs than ups, for Scarlett McMahon at least. The image to the millions around her was that she was perfectly happy, basking in her lavish lifestyle and notoriety. To them, she had it all; the beauty, the power and the brains. But to Scarlett, she was yet to find anything worthwhile in her life other than the WWE, which was slowly and surely becoming agonising for her, all because of her father and sister's views on how exactly a McMahon's life was supposed to go. As for her brother, Shane had finally found the tenacity to walk away from all the mistreatment he had been on the receiving end of years ago. In other words, he had done something Scarlett could only dream of having the courage and the guts to do.

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