Chapter Two

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It was moving day or for me D-day I was up and dressed at two in the morning which made me even more grumpy and disagreeable which my ma had pointed out on more than one occasion.

Most of our stuff had already been brought to the new house in Queens though I was miserable to be leaving the lashing rain of Ireland(note the sarcasm) but I really was sad to be leaving my friend and though I’d never admit it I was quite sad to be leaving my little brother.

Annoying he may have been but at least I had someone to talk to instead of Ma. Because it was so early we got through security quickly making me even more depressed because that left me with more time on my hands with nothing to do.

After about two hours of walking around aimlessly our flight was called and I thought I was going to be sick with nerves but I wasn’t and as I walked onto the plane I knew my life was never going to be the same again.

After an extremely painful seven hour plane journey with my Ma asking me if I was happy to be going there and if I wanted to go live with Da. I was dieing to say yes to let her send me back to dreary rainy homeland I knew so well I wouldn’t do that she was still my ma and I couldn’t allow her to live in a strange country alone.

Back home in Clane I would have barley have been getting up now but now in New York it was six in the morning and I was not even the slightest bit tired which was strange because back home it was a struggle to get me up before half seven during the school year.

The first thing I noticed that was different here was the tight security I mean you could barely sneak a toothpick past these guys let alone anything else.

The next thing I noticed was people were already up and at it even though it was barely even ten past seven. I guess it really is the city that never sleeps even though my uncle Cass when I told him that I was going to New York told me that and quote the f***ers never get up.

We got into a car with a person from my Ma’s new job whom I’m assuming she knew because she immediately started talking to him because I definitely didn’t get my shyness off my da and I most certainly didn’t lick it off the wind.

We pulled up to our house on seventy first ave which I had to admit was a lot bigger than our old house and I kinda liked it not that I was going to tell anyone that.

There was already  a car  there which I’m assuming was ours because the man said it was and I had to get out of that car because I couldn’t help but think about my Da which kinda upset me.

I asked Ma for the keys and then let myself in because I was dieing to see the inside to see if it was as nice inside as it was outside. It was which I hadn’t wanted it to be because I needed a reason to hate the place.

The place already had our furniture in the rooms it for which I was grateful because I didn’t want to have to lug it around. I looked into the rooms the small one seemed to be a study of some sort. The next one was a bathroom, the next one was my Ma’s due to the labels on the boxes there.

There was a small en-suite for which I was grateful because my Ma took forever in the bathroom especially in the mornings there were two other doors o the second level but I didn’t bother wit them I spotted a slightly ajar door and there was my Tom teddy from Tom and Jerry.

Call me a baby if you want but I love my teddies and when I walked into the room it was exactly my thing it looked like I’d lived here my entire life probably Ma’s doing wanting me to like it.

The walls were painted white and there was colour just flung against the wall like you could barely see the white I liked it scratch that I loved. I sighed loudly there goes another way I could hate it here I thought as I flopped onto my bed.

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