Third OC - Eloise Phantom

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Eloise was originally a fanfiction character but soon came into play as a person in one of my universes.

She's incredibly smart and open minded, but hates it when she's disturbed. Eloise will go to great lengths to make sure nobody annoys her. But doesn't take any crap from anyone, one wrong move and you're dead.

Eloise is contracted with two demons, set out on a goal to find out who she is. On her journey she met Kuroi, and it didn't end well. The two of them fought and surprisingly, Kuroi won, leaving Eloise weak and hurt.

After this Eloise swore to destroy Kuroi and Yui.

Most Likely Weapon: Two Demons + sword
Apparent Element: Light (Im very confused)
Best friend: The twins
Enemy: Kuroi
Most likely outfit: sweater, white shirt and jeans.

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