Chapter 1

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The first thoughts to enter her mind were bad as usual, but today somehow worse. Brie Dawson... A mess, but this went unknown to most. She heard a soft knock on her door.

"Hey baby girl. Time to get up kid" Rian's gentle voice pulled her from her thoughts. He came and sat on her bed.

He slowly pulled her into his arms and held her for what seemed like hours. Today was the day, one year since then. An entire year and the nightmares still filled her sleep as if it was just the day before.

She detached herself from her brother, who had a look of worry plastered on his face. She gave him the weakest smile she could muster up.

"I'll be fine Rian. You won't be far away if I'm not!" she whispered with a slight chuckle reaching her lips. This seemed to reasure him and he left, with a kiss on her forehead, for her to get ready.

She hopped quickly into the shower and slowly felt her panic settle. She sighed as she stood beneath the scalding water. Brie thought she would never escape the unclean feeling, the man who was supposed to mind her, left her with. But somehow a year later it seemed to be fading. People were helping her - Rian, Alex, Zack, Jack, Austin, Alan and all the others. They were like her safety blacket, wrapped around her trying to rid her of the demons she faced.

Turning off the shower, Brie stepped out and wrapped a huge towel around her small body. She dried her hair and straightened it quickly. She left her long jet black hair, streaked with blue fall down her back. Throwing on a pair of nike bootie shorts and an oversized grey hoodie. She licked her lashes with mascara and pulled on a pair of black vans. She looked ready but still felt slightly uneasy.

It was hard to believe that just one year ago Rian found her curled in the corner of her old "home". She had flinched away from his touch but soon felt comfort in the strong arms. He had passed her to Austin and she pressed her head to his chest as he carried her out. She was taken to the hospital where she spent the next three weeks as the doctors assessed her more and more. Rian knew the second he found her what his "father" had done to his beautiful 17 year old sister. He almost killed him but karma took care of that. Before Brie had even left the hospital he was killed in a car wreck trying to cross the border to Mexico. Rian thought it would hurt more that the man who raised him with his mother had been killed, but soon he realised that man had long been gone, gone the day his mother passed, gone the day he was left with to raise a fifteen year old boy and six year old girl.

Rian hadn't even realised the pain he put her through every day since he left. Brie didnt disclose all of the details to him but he understood. That man had taken her innocence at eleven years old and continued to do it until her 17th year when it finally ended.

Brie shook those thoughts out of her head as she entered the kitchen. Rian was in the shower and had made her chocolate chip pancakes. She ate slowly and sipped coffee until she heard a knock on the door. She jogged to the door, unlocked it and pulled it open. Austin pulled her into his arms carefully, she buried her head in his chest as she had done 1 year ago. He walked inside holding her safely in his embrace. He set her down on the couch and looked into her bright blue eyes.

"Austin..." She began but he silenced her holding up his hand.

"Brie..." He paused, taking in a slow breath. "I know it's been a rough year but this year is gonna be different. I promise. We love you and it's a new day with new possibilities so lets move forward with our heads held high!"

Brie giggled slightly at one of her best friends. She looked into his deep chocolate eyes and smiled, nodding defiantly.

He smiled back, glad that his words helped, glad that she was alive and fighting.

Austin grabbed her hand and pulled her to the couch and laughed as she plopped on top of him. He gently pushed her off and went to the kitchen to scavenge for food.

Brie laughed at his face when he came to the realisation that they had no food and really needed to go to the grocery store. She kept that in mind as she gathered her things from the kitchen table.

Rian finally stumbled his way down stairs after five minutes of waiting around.

"Brie, you still sure you want to go to school today?" Rian asked her concered brother returning.

Brie rolled her eyes. She nodded, knowing she had to keep her grades up in order to graduate high school and with only 3 months of senior year left she knew every class she missed counted.

"Yeah Rian, i'll be fine i promise, i feel okay i swear."

" Alright, then if you're sure. Don't hesitate to text me if you need anything, okay?" He laughed at Brie's disgusted face as she nodded, reassuring him once again that she would be fine.

Rian was filling in for the music teacher in her school for a few months while All Time Low were between tours. Mr Dawson was the hearthrob of all the girls in her school. No body but her two best friends knew that he was her brother though. She didnt want to deal with all of the drama. Everybody thought the name was a coincidence and moved to just gawking at him instead. Ellie and Eadaoin thought it was hilarious that nobody put two and two together but they would never tell anybody.

They were the best friends anybody could ever ask for. They totally understood her mind sometimes even more than she did herself. Her severe panic attacks didnt fase them in the slightest and when her depression took over every now and then they knew exactly why. They didnt think any less of her because of her mental health issues and even when she told them about the abuse from her father and she was so sure they would abandon the broken girl that was only a ghost of herself last year, they took it all in their stride and only loved her more.

She was snapped out of her thoughts as Austin tickled her up from her seat at the kitchen table and pushed her towards the door. She slapped at his hand but failed miserably.

"Time to get going kid" he said, smiling. She grabbed her school bag and dance bag by the door and left Rian to lock up. She jumped into the back of Austin's pick-up as he complained about her not sitting up front with him. She laughed at his childishness.

"Aus, think logically for a second. We have to pick up Ellie and Eadaoin and it would be extremly inconsiderate of me to leave them in the back with Rian, the circus animal."

He laughed at that and turned up the radio as Green Day blasted through the speaker. Rian finally hopped in and they were on their way.

Maybe this year would be better than the last, she thought as the boys joked around in the front, the warm California sun beating down through the open windows!

Hey I'm Amy! Hope you enjoy this book! Ill update regularly hopefully! Have a good day 🐢!

(Btw Eadaoin is pronounced Aideen! Its the Irish spelling!)

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