Chapter 1

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I rubbed my eyes as they opened, where am I and why does my head hurt? I wondered as I looked around puzzled. "Are you alright child?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw a strange creature; it was white and had ears like a dog, but it stood on it's hind quarters and had horns like a goat. "Do not be alarmed child, for I am just the caretaker of the ruins, my name is toriel." She said calmly. She reached out her hand and I took it cautiously. I looked around to see I fell bunch of golden flowers. "You fell through that hole if you didn't know" Toriel said to me. I looked at the hole, there was a bright light coming from it. "Oh, excuse me I must go to something. Just keep walking forward and you'll find the entrance to the ruins, I'll meet you there." She said to me before she walked away. I was kind of sad to see her go, but I kept walking anyway. Suddenly a gold flower l, much like the ones I fell on popped put of the ground. "Hi there, my name is flowey. I can see you are new around here, let me show you how it works around here." The talking flower said. The world turned black around us. "Ok lets begin, lv stands for LOVE!!! You need a certain amount exp to get love, love around here is shared through "friendliness pellets". Here let me give you some LOVE." Flowey said sounding kind of weird now. The white dots appeared in front him and started to move around. I tried to catch some but I was to slow. "Opps, looks like you missed them. This I'll send them right at you." Flowey said smiling a big smile. The white dots appeared again and this time I ran right at them while they came at me. When they made contact it was a white hot burning feeling, my heath must be very low I thought to my self. "You, moron. You must be wondering why I did that. Down here monsters will try to attack and kill you, so it's kill or be killed!!! Now I am going to finish you off." Flowey said maniacally, and very strange look on his face. But before he could attack a ball of flames hurdled at him and knocked him away. "What a horrible creature." Toriel said before coming into my view. "You know not all monsters are like that. It's my fault I should not have left you alone. Well anyway follow me, we have places to go." Toriel said before leading me to a humongous door. "Ready?"

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