Chapter 1

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It was three weeks into my third year of college. There was finally an opening in the economics course I wanted to take and I was so unbelievably happy. Untillll I actually got into the lecture hall. Half the students slept while the other half tried their hardest to stay awake. I enjoyed the class for the most part. It was just my 'elbow buddy' and the professor that made it so difficult.
Mr. Blane is a fantastic teacher dont get me wrong, but hes pretty much that stereotypical old history teacher that talks like a robot with the enthusiasm of a dead slug.
Now. The real problem was the boy who sat next to me. This kid. I swear he has some obsession with me. Every day its a new pick up line. Jason never lets up. I talk with him sure and help him with anything he needed school wise but this boy made it so hard to hold a conversation.

"So what are you doing for dinner tonight?" I looked up from my textbook that I was coping notes out if and smiled. "Probably another pizza night. I do love my pizza." I smiled again before going back to my notes. "Oh come on Lucy. One date. One. And if you still despise me ill leave you alone about it." I looked up and him and thought for a second. I could go and get him off my back; but this guy is known for being a player and pushing things too far. "Im sorry Jason. I just cant tonight. Too much work to get done." I say with a sad smile, tapping my pen on my text book. He looked rather annoyed as he nodded and collected his notebooks and text books. "Well... ill see you tomorrow then. Enjoy your pizza." I nodded to him and shook my head as he left the hall. "Thats all for today class. Remember your 10 page essay is due Monday. Please. Please cite ypur sources or ill die on spot." There were a few mumbles of 'about time' and 'took you long enough' before everyone had left the hall leaving a few sleepy students drooling in their seats. With a sigh I collected my bag onto my shoulder and woke them up telling them that class was over.
Being my last class of the day I went back to the dorm I shared with a girl completely opposite of me. While I liked my classic rock bands, she prefered todays rap. The room almost always smelled of weed and every week she was layed up with another guy. "Oh hey Lucyfur. Nice to see you." I looked up and saw the basic douchebag in bed with Natalie. She passed her joint to him as she giggled at my nickname. I took no offense to it and rather accepted it. "Hey Brooke." I waved and plopped my bag onto my bed. He gave a heavy sigh. "Its Brock sweetie." I smirked and mocked his tone "Its Lucy sweetie." He chuckled. I really didnt have any grudges with anyone here. I was pretty well known and only few had problems with me. "Hey Nat? Want some pizza? Our usual?" Her wide eyes and ferocious nodding told me all I needed as I called the pizza joint down the block from the college.
The lovers had fallen asleep and I was left to my essay. Luckily my typing didnt disturb them as I quickly tried to get through the stupid thing. My phone and computer made a beep telling me I had an email.

Dear econ classes,
My sister has had an accident and is in the hospital. A stand in lecturer will be there for class tomorrow. Please behave and treat the man nicely. Hes doing this for you not his health. Hes a smart man and knows what hes talking about. Please be respectful. Have a good weekend. Mr. Blane.

So a sub. Great. Probably another old man who just wanted the year to be over with. I finished up the last paragraph of ny essay and shut my lap top. I slipped on my hoodie and sneakers before checking the time. I always ran before I went to sleep, no matter how late and I always tried to run in the morning.
The campus was rather large and owned a strip of woods behind the school. Its was around midnight so not many were still out. I walked to my trail that was always lit up. I guess they left it lit up so that students like me had a way to destress. I checked my watch one last time before taking off. I ran track in middle and high school and was on the college's team; so this was rather relaxing to me. Before I knew it I was about to turn the last bend of the trail when I slammed into a solid wall of flesh. The first wave of pain was my arse and then the back of my head. I heard a deep voice and the rustling of leaves before I finally clenched my eyes shut and groaned. "Holy shit are you okay? I wasn't watching and ran right into you. Damn it Dean you did it now."
I sat up and felt the blood drain from my face. An incredibly attractive man was staring at me. "Oh my, im so sorry are you okay?" I spit out. He chuckles at me. "Sweetie, I almost knocked you out. You just kinda bounced off of me. I should be asking you that." I smiled and attempted to stand. With a little help I was up and was facing a chest. Ah. The privileges of being 5'1. "Yea im okay. Sorry I bumped into you." His deep chuckle sounded again. The deep and warm tone sounding like bells to my ears. "Dont be sorry. Will you be okay? Do you need me to walk back with you?" I finally looked up and connected with his intricate eyes. "N-no im all right. Finish your run. Ill see you around?" His smile lit up the already pretty well lighted trail. "Yea. Ill see you around."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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