Chapter Eighteen

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Jade's POV

I woke up because of the sun rays beaming on my face. I suddenly wonder why because I don't usually go to bed with my curtains open. I tried remembering what happened last night and then it hit me.

The moment everything came flashing back on my mind, I immediately twist my body at the left side of my bed where she's supposed to be laying.

And there she is - sleeping like a baby while laying flat on her stomach. I was mesmerized once again by her beauty even when her eyes are closed.

This is the first time I slept beside her and it feels magical. Kung ganito ba naman kaganda and sasalubong sakin tuwing umaga, I won't get tired of waking up everyday.

I scooted near her and giggled when I heard her cute soft snores. Poor baby. She must be really tired last night.

After she ate the chicken sandwich I prepared for her, I saw her yawn several times while rubbing her eyes. She looks like a cute toddler doing that so I offered her to sleep here in my condo, which she excitedly agreed upon, since I can't let her drive with her being all sleepy.

I let her shower first and lend her a fresh tank tops and boxer shorts with new underwear. I tucked her on my bed and when I got back from a quick shower, I saw her already sleeping. I dressed with my usual oversized white shirt and underwear before l lay next to her.

I spent my whole night just staring at her beauty and sometimes kissing her on the lips lightly, just because I couldn't helped it. I decided to sleep at 3 in the morning since I'm already starting to get sleepy. I chuckled at my own silliness but she really looks cute and pretty so don't judge me.

I let myself ogle her once again while I cautiously brushed up some of her bangs that are covering her eyes. I stayed like that for ten minutes before whispering several 'i love you' - yes, you read it right - to her ear before carefully standing up from my bed. I decided not to wake her up for her to get a complete sleep.

I glanced at my wall clock and saw that it's already 8:30 in the morning. I decided to ditch work today simply because I don't want to leave my girlfriend here. And besides, pagmamay-ari naman ng pamilya ko 'yon, so one absent won't hurt them.

I went downstairs and prepare something to eat. I settled for pancakes and eggs. I also sliced two ripe mangoes and I brewed some coffee too for me and Althea.

I'm not yet done preparing breakfast when I heard my doorbell rang. I wonder who it might be since Althea is still sleeping in my room.

So without a second thought, I walked to my door and opened it. I paled the moment I saw who's currently standing in front of me - my mother.

"M-Ma. What are y-you doing here?" I was able to asked after all my nervousness.

"Anong klaseng tanong 'yan, hija? I'm just here to visit you. Isang buwan ka ng hindi dumadalaw sa bahay so I thought, ako naman ang dumalaw sa iyo." She sweetly said that makes me feel even more uncomfortable. Before, I'll be happy whenever she visits me here but not anymore. Not until I saw how witch of a mother she is.

Oops. Don't get me wrong.

I still love her, as well as my father, but I'm a little bit cautious within their presence. Especially now that I have a beautiful angel sleeping in my room upstairs, counterpart of this "beast-dressed-in-human-form" I'm currently having a conversation with.

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