Chapter Seven: Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

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A/N: Sup my peeps! Omg guys so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I had my common tests in the past few weeks and I was sick and my 3G exceeded so I couldn't update I probably sound like a bitch using so many excuses but they're true so whatever hahah kay again sorry for the late update >< and I'm sorry this chapter is suckish. Enjoy!




Chapter Seven: Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

Jas's eyes glistened and she looked like she was about to break down again when she swallowed hard, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. She used the back of her hand to forcefully wipe away a stray tear and swore quietly. Her lips parted slightly and then shut again in a tight line after rethinking her decision to share with me why she pathetically broke down. I thought back to the other day when I had slipped my tongue into her mouth and the lustful side of me was begging my lips to attack hers. But I kept the animal side of me down, restraining myself. I really wanted to know why she broke down.

Before I could do anything, she turned her head to face the direction in which the exit was. She did that so quickly a loud snap resounded throughout the room. Her upper row of teeth bit down on her lower lip as she bit back a wince. I couldn't help but hold back a chortle. What she just did was comically hilarious.

She turned to frown at me, sensing that I would definitely laugh at her comical action. I couldn't help myself and started guffawing, clutching my abs. With Jasslyn around, I knew I was gonna be laughing a lot now.

And I couldn't imagine how the situation was so intense just a minute ago.

She rolled her eyes at my reaction and turned back to the exit, stalking off. I tried my best to stop laughing and ran after her. I placed a hand on her shoulder, "Sorry Jas. But you gotta admit that was just comical."

I shot her my famous wink that girls would kill for and she gave me a you-think-imma-fall-for-that look and slowly nodded her head, "You wanna reenact that for me? Don't worry, I'll be sure to get it on tape."

"Nah, I'd rather you tape your reaction," I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively, knowing she'd understand my sexual innuendo. She rolled her eyes and started walking outside when I grabbed hold of her shoulder, pulling her back.

"What do you want now? Can't you let me walk home in peace?" she groaned, complaining.

"Who said we're going home?"

"I did. Now let me go."

"Nope. Wrong guess. You have two more chances to answer correctly or the consequences will be dire."

She huffed and rolled her eyes before guessing, "We're going to your house."

"Well, I don't mind. That's the wrong place but you're welcome anytime you wanna screw me, which I know very well you want to every single day."

She swatted my shoulder and I let out a tiny "Ouch". Jas was a really strong girl.

"We're going to Mars," she suggested, looking at me with a straight face.

I burst out laughing and she managed to keep her face straight for a few more seconds before she burst out laughing as well.

"Wrong answer again, but you do have an awesome sense of creativity. And for that, I'm giving you a bonus chance."

"We're going to the moon, aren't we?" she narrowed her eyes at me and we both started laughing again.

"Okay, you've got all your guesses wrong. Remember how I told you about the dire consequences?" I asked, tightening my grip on her shoulder, but not enough to hurt her. Not that I think my strength could even hurt her. She probably only considered an elephant stepping on her painful.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2013 ⏰

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