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It was two weeks after the day I turned eighteen. I got the call from his mother.

It wasn't unusual for Sharon to call. I actually enjoy talking to her almost as much as I did her son. After Landon got deployed, we began to talk almost daily. It was comfort for both of us. We could relate to each other well and it brought me peace knowing that we both shared such a strong love for that beautiful boy.

However when I picked up the phone that day, I felt something was wrong. Her voice was very melancholy and I could sense the despair coming from the other side of the phone. I braced myself for bad news, but I didn't expect to hear what I did.

"Carrie, he's gone."

I remember exactly how I felt the moment I heard those words through my iPhone. I was standing by the oven in my kitchen where the clock read 3:05 P.M. and I was just about ready to take out the brownies I had baked for my little brother's soccer game when I got the call. My mouth dropped as well as the phone in my hand. My blue eyes filled with tears and I began sobbing. I lost all the strength in my body and fell to my knees which hit hard on the wooden floor beneath me. I couldn't think, speak, or hardly even breathe.

My mother came rushing out from the living room into the kitchen where I was uncontrollably crying. She bent down beside me and placed her hand on my shaking shoulder.

She took a deep breath and asked, "He's gone isn't he?"

There were those words again. The words that had just broken my heart into a thousand pieces.

I couldn't even nod my head to give her a response. The news hadn't set in yet.

He was gone. The love of my life was gone forever.

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