3. His Personal Maid

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Im not sure where I was going all I do know is I was going to kill him. How dare he just walk into my school, my home and treat me like shit! Bloody hell I was not some play thing to him or anyone for that matter. I growled to my self, this was going to be a long night. I could feel the rage boiling through my blood as I walked down the cement pavement muttering curse words to my self. I stopped abruptly feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

Why was I chasing him. . ? It shouldn't matter he was just someone who pissed me off, I never chased after anyone who made my angry. Why him? I shook my head trying to cool off my head. I need to think calmly not with so much anger surging through me.

What given up already trying to find me? Questioned Luke in my head.

I tired my best to usher his words out of my head, his memories, his senses everything I need to block them.

Try all you like. . my memories, my words, my senses and my emotions are all yours now. You belong to me. You are mine. Don't get it twisted though I will make sure you suffer as much as I have before I let you have me. He taunted.

Suffer? How did I make you suffer!?! I just fucking met you! Seriously your pissing me off I hate you. I shouted back in my head, with full force.

I shrugged off the emotions I was feeling from him and made my way home. When my house came into sight I saw a moving truck in front of my house, confused I walked to where my parents stood.

"What is going on mum?" I asked, looking at my mother tear stained face.

"Sweetie we are bankrupted." she replied, calmly still letting a few silent tears fall down from her face.

My eyes grew wide, this was not something that happened on a daily bases. I couldn't warp my head around the fact that our house was being taken away. Forget where we were going to stay, how did this happen? Luke. That was all I could think. If he wanted to make me suffer he could but no my family!

Luke. . what the bloody hell is wrong with you!!? You want to fuck with me fine don't fuck with my family! I snarled at him.

I want to see you suffer what better way to see you suffer than making those that you love hurt. Luke countered back.

Don't make my family or friends suffer!! God damn it do anything you want to me but leave them alone!! I pleaded, anger lingering in my tone.

Anything you say? He commented back.

Anything.. I answered, slightly confused with the words leaving my mouth.

Fine you will get what you want. . in return you must be my personal maid, you wont object to anything I do to you, you wont leave me until I give you permission and if you do anything I wont be hesitant to rip your family apart. He responded.

I bit down on my lip thinking about what he was asking, then I turned to look at my family, they looked so broken as if something had torn them apart. This wasn't fair, but I really didn't have a choice.

Alright. . I agreed to his stupid terms.

I could feel the emotions of triumph arce through my body. I knew he had won this round but mark my words Luke I will get you I assure you that. For now my family and friends were safe but for how long I am not sure my self.

~2 days later~

"Vivian you don't have to do this. . we will find another way.." cried my mother, I shook my head. As long as I was here they would sitting ducks. I was the rocket and they were the targets. "Please don't go."

I smiled at my mother and rubbed her hand assuring her that I would just fine. Luke wanted me, he needed me because there something from me he wanted. Which made me laugh what the hell was he going to get from me?

I threw the last set of clothing into the suitcase, gripping my small stuffed animal tightly before chucking that into the bag. I pulled the zipper closing the suitcase. I could see my mother become hysterical as I finished packing. I looked at my mother walking over to her and wiping her tears away before kissing her forehead.

"It will be okay, mum.."I whispered. "I love you."

I heard a horn beep outside, I picked up my bag and made my way downstairs as I heard my mother whisper softly, "I love you, my sweet baby." I smiled trying to pry back the tears into my eyes. I didn't want to be weak not in front of Luke. When I came outside, the sun rays hit my eyes causing me to flinch slightly and squint my eyes to adjust to the light.

I saw a limo standing there in front of me, a young man standing outside of it, when he saw me pulled open the door. And take a while guess who emerged out of the limo?

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