A brother?

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Hey guys! Wolf here and this is my first story/fanfic on here so don't be to harsh. Im writing this on my kindle, I will try to catch and typos and stuff, but I can't make any promises. Well hope you enjoy!

My eyes shot open to screaming. "GET UP," I sighed. Another horrible day at the orphanage. My roommate stood over me, glaring. I sighed and got up. She left the room. I pulled on the orphanage uniform, it was entierly grey, grey skirt, grey tights, grey flats, and a grey steriotipical school top, a grey shirt with a grey tie and a grey jacket. I walked out of my dorm room to find myself face to face with the girls who made my life at the orphanage a living nightmare. They sneered at me and their leader walked forward. She was a steriotipical(yea I know I cant spell) California-ish girl. She had shoulder length honey blond hair, sky blue eyes. She had a perfect tan, don't ask me how. She grabbed me by the front of my shirt and slammed me into the wall. "The headmistress want you," She growled letting me go. She turned on her heel and walked away, her "friends" followed her. I stared off into space, why would the headmistress want to see me? Did I do something wrong? I was sure the headmistress could wait so I went into my room and grabbed my laptop, everyone at the orphanage got a laptop and phone. I opened up youtibe and checked my feed, Antvenom hadn't uploaded anything, neither had Captainsparklez, or Cavemanfilms. Skydoeaminecraft had and it waa an epic jump map with Ty and Jason. I smiled and closed my computer, deciding to watch it later, I may need it to cheer myself up. I quietly closed my door softly behind me abd walked down the hall, lost in thought. Before I knew it I was at the door to the headmistress's office. I knocked and she called, "Come in!" I walked into the room and she flashed my a rare smile. For sone reason she liked me, which certainly didn't help me much with my bullieing problem. "Your probably wondering why I asked to see you," I nodded, "Well I have good news, you have a 18 (or is he 19) year old brother, his name is Daniel." I froze. I have a brother?! I stood there in shock as she continued, "He shouls be here any... ah! There he is!" I slowly turned around to see someone walking down the hall. He was average hight, he had short light brown hair, brown eyes and was slightly chubby, not that I cared. He wore glasses, just like me. His face morphed into a smile when he saw me and I gasped. Cavemanfilms. Cavemanfilms was my brother.

Hehe, a sort of cliff hanger, well what do you think? Its not the greatest, will probably revise at some point, but I wanted to get something out!


A brother? *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now